Here’s what each rating means: HD Verified: you should expect smooth playback most of the time when watching high-definition YouTube videos (720p and above).

TNW uses cookies to personalize content and ads to They the video streaming quality you can expect at least 90% of the time when you watch YouTube on an ISP (Internet Service Provider) in a specific area.

YouTube est un service de vidéo en streaming qui offre une résolution maximale en 4K. Select your preferred video quality.

Tap Quality . (You’ll also see presets for Facebook, Twitter, and Vimeo.) A solid choice is the YouTube 1080p HD preset. Il est important que la qualité de votre streaming en direct soit bonne. It can also adjust one during playback without affecting the other. We do also share that information with third parties for Online. For the latest updates on how we’re addressing the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, please visit To give you the best viewing experience, YouTube adjusts the quality of your video stream based on your viewing conditions.

Change video quality. Good news then: YouTube may soon let you set a default quality setting … Sit back and let the hottest tech news come to you by the magic of electronic mail.

When you upload your video to YouTube, its video servers kick into action and start transcoding your file into a set of optimized video streams. This allows your video to playback smoothly on everything from mobile phones to desktop computers. Démonstration en vidéo. Prefer to get the news as it happens? We'd love to know a bit more about our readers. La stabilité de visionnement est ainsi prioritaire sur la qualité de la vidéo. Click the blue text under Output File to change the filename and where to save your output. Même si les écrans vendus depuis quelques années ont fait d'importants progrès, quelques réglages simples permettent d'optimiser l'image de son téléviseur et surtout d'adapter la qualité de l'image à son environnement et à ses goûts.
Alternatively, the company might simply be assuming that not many users will go through the trouble of adjusting their default video quality, so it isn’t a huge deal if a few users want to play everything in HD.In any case, the current video quality limitation is expected to last 30 days, so we shouldn’t have to worry about this first world problem for too long.Do you want to get the sassiest daily tech newsletter every day, in your inbox, for FREE? Follow us on social media. Got two minutes to spare? All data collected in the survey is anonymous. This is especially true on mobile, where video streams often default to 480p.

Due to this, the audio bitrate is not directly affected by video quality like in the past.
Join TNW2020, our 15th annual flagship event. make our site easier for you to use. You can manually adjust the video quality of any video you're watching on a computer, TV, or mobile device. Powered by Get tickets ➔

This is why you may notice that the quality of your video changes as you watch videos.Here are some factors that determine video quality:You can manually adjust the video quality of any video you're watching on a computer, TV, or mobile device.To adjust video quality while watching on your mobile device:To adjust video quality while watching on your computer: Considering the feature isn’t enabled yet, it’s possible the company will wait for things to settle down before rolling out the feature. Or well, at least once the worst of coronavirus is over.The timing of this new code is a bit ironic considering YouTube just That said, it’s possible the company was already planning on introducing this feature before coronavirus became a pandemic. To keep things simple, enter youtube to narrow the list of Social Media presets. This is especially true on mobile, where video streams often default to 480p.Good news then: YouTube may soon let you set a default quality setting on the mobile app. Of course you do: sign up for Big Spam Stay tuned with our weekly recap of what’s hot & cool by our CEO Mobile device. advertising & analytics. Drag it directly on top of the item in the Queue panel.