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Caernarvon — промежуточный вариант танка с корпусом от прототипа FV 201 и башней от танка «Центурион». The carnarvon tortured german and american teams for months. Jump to: But the repair cost... Why is it so high ?! Here, the sniping strategy is much more viable, because your round velocities are very high, making aiming over 1km much easier, moreover 10 degrees of depression allow you to play in hilly areas and take pot shots at unsuspecting enemies (especially the Russian tanks, who lack gun depression).
Столько же миллиметров в борту и в задней части башни. Но времени уже было потрачено много, а 120-мм пушку только предстояло освоить. Уже в 1949 году британцы приняли решение, что разрабатывать большое количество узкоспециализированных проектов нецелесообразно и большую часть закрыли. Interests: Gaming, War Thunder, politics, history, technology, military stuff; Report post; Posted January 28, 2016. Speaking from an RB perspective and having tried to use the Panther F repeatedly in that mode I can say that the Caern's shouldn't be where they are, to the Panther F the chances of penetrating and killing a Caern are quite low comparative to a T-44.
War Thunder. To succeed in Realistic, you must use cover and let your teammates take the shots. share. FV 221 Caernarvon Максимальная скорость — 34 км/ч. Уязвимым местом является нижняя часть лба башни. I can put more pages to compare if you want but I think it's not needed.Yes but you have to tell us what kills you most of the time?Carenarvon and Centurion mk3 at 6.7 asap, there is no reason for them to stay at 6.3 when it clubbing panthers and tigers shermans 76's, both it has extremely good guns, excellent armor 6.7 teritory all day.
While it's nose and hull armor can be comparatively similar to tanks like the Panther, Tiger, T25 and T-44, the fact that it is a lot more heavily angled (58°), bringing its effective armor to 153mm.The Tiger has a composition of plates on its mantlet.
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на тонну, что является хорошим показателем для тяжелого танка.
Перезарядка танка доходит до 6.3 секунд. Again there is no reason for them at 6.3, i ll further a suggestion also with vote pool, because those 2 tanks right now ruin the game at 5.7 br complete agree. Now people will say 'but wait, those weakspots', yea, but on most occasions you wouldn't end up shooting at the lower plate as most of the time you're in a taller vehicle increasing the angle making it impenetrable or they're smart enough to angle a bit making it, once again, impenetrable.Also those two small weaknesses mentioned do exist, but they're going to be quite hard to hit at regular combat ranges so they don't really count either unless RNGesus steps in.
Strzelnica - odcinek 211. The Tank Heavy Gun Conqueror Mk 2 is a rank V British heavy tank with a battle rating of 7.7 (AB/RB/SB). The Hounds of Hades =HATED=
Only 7.7 tanks with specific ammos can pen the turret of a T32 and it's front glacis has a weakspot much smaller than those of the Caern, the T-44 bounces shells like noone at 6.7 unless you can attack it from the side, and the Tiger II can only be penned on the turret itself from the front.This while the whole chassis of the Caern is a giant weakspot and the turret can be penned by almost any tank 6.0 or higher. Turret ring 20mm, another place AAs can kill you.5. Наряду с этим в связи с появлением в частях Советской армии достаточно большого числа тяжелых танков ИС-3 встал вопрос о целесообразности продолжения проекта FV 201 — этот британский «тяжеловес» был не в состоянии противостоять своим советским собратьям. 6.3 br british tanks are not up to the job of fighting br 7.7 tanks imo and thats why they should not be upped to 6.7, but then i dont think any of the 6.7 br tanks should be facing off against the 7.7'sthere is a dichotomy involving history and gameplay, devs would like a seemless blend of different tanks all fighting each other through multiple battle ratings but it doesnt work because the difference in capability is too great between one model and the model that replaced it (i.e. You basically want a heavy tank on a tier where everyone will be able to pen it's only thick zone without any problem.Compare it to the Tiger E and the Panther A sitting at 6.0, both have high pen ammo capable of oblierating everything ath their level (Caernarvon mantlet included) and noone is complaining, while having better mobility and better armour except for the turret mantlet which is superior on the Caernarvorn.Or to the Tiger 1, it's much easier for a 5.3 tank to kill a Caernarvon than for a 4.7 tank to kill a Tiger 1.At most I would decrease it's rate of fire, the UI seems bugged but I have the feeling they fire faster than other 80+ish mm cannons, 6.7 would leave this tanks in a terrible situation similar to what happens with the M26. Caernarvon имеет классическую компоновку, а это значит, что двигатель и трансмиссия располагается в корме. In terms of game strategies, the Caernarvon is very versatile (almost MBT-like).
Броня крыши составляет от 29 мм до 51 мм.
Now people will say 'but wait, those weakspots', yea, but on most occasions you wouldn't end up shooting at the lower plate as most of the time you're in a taller vehicle increasing the angle making it impenetrable or they're smart enough to angle a bit making it, once again, impenetrable.Also those two small weaknesses mentioned do exist, but they're going to be quite hard to hit at regular combat ranges so they don't really count either unless RNGesus steps in. It lacked the gun stabilization systems that … All of those tanks are older than it. IS-3 vs Caernarvon. I think a big factor of people's judgement of these two tanks is the "first impression syndrome". The first stage of this was called the Caernarvon Mk.1 . Броня башни на достойном уровне.
В танке сидят 4 члена экипажа, один из которых расположен в корпусе. Usually, you will be able to return fire to avenge a teammate, and most of the time you get the kill, due to easy gun handling. In order for a tank to be well situated in it's BR, it needs to be countered by the enemy tanks on a consistent and reliable basis, so you can say they match performance wise and that player skill matters more than the inherent advantage of a tank's design.