[367] Information on the condition of collections held by museums, libraries and archives is still incomplete. [201][202], In Japan, the National Police Agency has confirmed 15,899 deaths,[203] 6,157 injured,[204] and 2,529 people missing[205] across twenty prefectures. The backup cooling process is powered by emergency diesel generators at the plants and at Rokkasho nuclear reprocessing plant. [90] These are expected changes[59] for an earthquake of this magnitude. The earthquake, tsunami and widespread fires killed 1,152 people in Kensennuma, Miyagi Prefecture. JMA also implemented a simpler empirical method to integrate, into a tsunami warning, data from GPS tidal meters as well as from undersea water pressure meters, and there are plans to install more of these meters and to develop further technology to utilize data observed by them. If harnessed, the seismic energy from this earthquake would power a city the size of Los Angeles for an entire year. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, reasons for the underestimation include a saturated magnitude scale when using maximum amplitude as input, failure to fully take into account the area of the hypocenter, and the initial amplitude of the earthquake being less than that which would be predicted by an empirical relationship. [238] His body was found on 2 April 2011 along Ocean Beach in Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon, 530 km (330 mi) to the north. In the area near the trench, the coupling coefficient is high, which could act as the source of the large tsunami. In Ishinomaki alone, there were 17 trash collection sites 180 metres (590 ft) long and at least 4.5 metres (15 ft) high. This calculation is, in turn, based on the maximum amplitude of the seismic wave. Problems in issuing updates also contributed to delays in evacuations. [306][307][308] Officials from the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency reported that radiation levels inside the plant were up to 1,000 times normal levels,[309] and that radiation levels outside the plant were up to eight times normal levels. [370], The aftermath of the twin disasters also left Japan's coastal cities and towns with nearly 25 million tons of debris. The heat build-up caused the generation of hydrogen gas. An expedition named Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project have been conducted in year 2012–2013 to drill oceanfloor boreholes through the fault-zone of the earthquake and gathered important data about the rupture mechanism and physical properties of the fault that caused the huge earthquake and tsunami which devastated much of northeast Japan. Also, many people caught in the tsunami thought they were on high enough ground to be safe. [299], The number 2 reactor at Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant was shut down automatically. [189], Along the Pacific Coast of Mexico and South America, tsunami surges were reported, but in most places caused little or no damage. [34] This height is deemed the record in Japan historically, as of reporting date, that exceeds 38.2 metres (125 ft) from the 1896 Meiji-Sanriku earthquake. To prevent under-reporting of tsunami heights, early quantitative observation data that are smaller than the expected amplitude will be overridden and the public will instead be told that the situation is under observation. [129] The actual height prediction varied, the greatest being for Miyagi at 6 metres (20 ft) high. meeting of CCEP, Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, "中日新聞:災害義援金受け付け 東日本大震災:中日新聞からのお知らせ(CHUNICHI Web)", "東日本巨大地震 震災掲示板 : 特集 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)", "番組表 – TOKYO FM 80.0 MHz – 80.Love FM RADIO STATION", USGS Updates Magnitude of Japan's 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake to 9.03, "Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 | Facts & Death Toll", "New USGS number puts Japan quake at 4th largest", "Tsunami, earthquake, nuclear crisis – now Japan faces power cuts", "Japan quake – 7th largest in recorded history", "March 11th tsunami a record 40.5 metres high NHK", "Japan earthquake: Tsunami hits north-east", "Japan: 3 Nuclear Reactors Melted Down – News Story – KTVZ Bend", "3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms", "Japan earthquake: Insurance cost for quake alone pegged at $35 billion, AIR says", "New explosion shakes stricken Japanese nuclear plant", "Top 5 Most Expensive Natural Disasters in History", "Japan damage could reach $235 billion, World Bank estimates", "Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake*", Japan earthquake and tsunami: what happened and why|World news, "UPDATE 3-USGS upgrades Japan quake to 8.9 magnitude", "USGS Updates Magnitude of Japan's 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake to 9.0", "地震情報 – 2011年3月10日 15時6分 – 日本気象協会 tenki.jp", "地震情報 – 2011年3月11日 15時15分 – 日本気象協会 tenki.jp", "Earthquake strikes near Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant; no reports of damage", "Quake Moves Japan Closer to U.S. and Alters Earth's Spin", "Japan's quake shifts earth's axis by 25 centimetres", "Challenges of anticipating the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami using coastal geology", "The future of tsunami research following the 2011 Tōhoku-oki event", "The 869 Jōgan tsunami deposit and recurrence interval of large-scale tsunami on the Pacific coast of northeast Japan", "newspaper: Japan earthquake and tsunami: what happened and why", "Size of Japan's quake surprises seismologists", "時事ドットコム:M8.8、死者300人超=行方不明540人以上−大津波10m・宮城で震度7", "asahi.com(朝日新聞社):地殻破壊3連鎖、計6分 専門家、余震拡大に警鐘 – 東日本大震災", "The 2011 eastern Japan great earthquake disaster: Overview and comments", "Preliminary report of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku Earthquake", "Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) Information Sharing on Disaster Reduction", "March 11, 2011 M9.0 Tōhoku, Japan Earthquake: Preliminary results", "Japan Meteorological Agency | Earthquake Information", "Japan quake fault may have moved 40 metres", "Japan seabed shifted 24 metres after March quake", "Earth's day length shortened by Japan earthquake", "Can an earthquake shift the Earth's axis? [158] Near Ōarai, people captured images of a huge whirlpool that had been generated by the tsunami. At this time Japan's Disaster Management Office (Naikakufu Bosai Keikaku) published a bi-lingual guide in Japanese and English, Disaster Management in Japan, to outline the several varieties of natural disaster and the preparations being made for the eventuality of each. NHK BS News reported 2011-04-03-02:55 JST, One estimate of 10–15 minutes came from German seismologist Rainer Kind of the, Another estimate of 15–30 minutes came from Vasily V. Titov, director of the. I felt both (thankfully from far enough away...) - they _really_ weren't that alike to my mind at the time and the results were also rather different... (-_-) ...it's not something I think I'll ever forget: "F". About 90 seconds after an earthquake, an additional report on the possibility of a tsunami will also be included in observation reports, in order to warn people before the JMA magnitude can be calculated. [44] The World Bank's estimated economic cost was US$235 billion, making it the costliest natural disaster in history. [115][116] The warning for the general public was delivered about eight seconds after the first P wave was detected, or about 31 seconds after the earthquake occurred. [103][104], On 7 December 2012 a large aftershock of magnitude 7.3 Mw caused a minor tsunami, and again on 26 October 2013 a small tsunami was recorded after a 7.1 Mw aftershock. "[47], The 9.1-magnitude (Mw) undersea megathrust earthquake occurred on 11 March 2011 at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC) in the north-western Pacific Ocean at a relatively shallow depth of 32 km (20 mi),[6][48] with its epicenter approximately 72 km (45 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku, Japan, lasting approximately six minutes. [163][164], JMA also reported offshore tsunami height recorded by telemetry from moored GPS wave-height meter buoys as follows:[165], On 25 March 2011, Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) reported tsunami height by visiting the port sites as follows:[166], The tsunami at Ryōri Bay (綾里湾), Ōfunato reached a height of 40.1 metres (132 ft) (run-up elevation). [59] The speed of the Earth's rotation increased, shortening the day by 1.8 microseconds due to the redistribution of Earth's mass. [273], To help alleviate the shortage, three steel manufacturers in the Kanto region contributed electricity produced by their in-house conventional power stations to TEPCO for distribution to the general public. The inundated areas closely matched those of the 869 Sanriku tsunami. [35][141], Like the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the damage by surging water, though much more localized, was far more deadly and destructive than the actual quake. [55] Aftershocks follow Omori's law, which states that the rate of aftershocks declines with the reciprocal of the time since the main quake. A magnitude 7.4 Mw at 15:08 (JST), 7.9 Mw at 15:15 and a 7.7 Mw quake at 15:26 all occurred on 11 March. Cellular and landline phone service suffered major disruptions in the affected area. Stone monuments at the UNESCO World Heritage Site: Shrines and Temples of Nikkō were toppled. In Sendai, a 145,000-barrel (23,100 m3)-per-day refinery owned by the largest refiner in Japan, JX Nippon Oil & Energy, was also set ablaze by the quake. Aid organizations both in Japan and worldwide also responded, with the Japanese Red Cross reporting $1 billion in donations. Without ventilation, gas accumulated within the reactor containment structures and eventually exploded. [346] Services on Akita Shinkansen resumed with limited numbers of trains on 18 March. This megathrust earthquake was a recurrence of the mechanism of the earlier 869 Sanriku earthquake, which has been estimated as having a magnitude of at least 8.4 M w, which also created a large tsunami that inundated the Sendai plain. Kansai Electric Power Company (Kepco) could not share electricity, because its system operated at 60 hertz, whereas TEPCO and TEP operate their systems at 50 hertz; the disparity is due to early industrial and infrastructure development in the 1880s that left Japan without a unified national power grid. [237], The tsunami was reported to have caused several deaths outside Japan. [364][365][366] In Tokyo, there was damage to Koishikawa Kōrakuen, Rikugien, Hamarikyū Onshi Teien, and the walls of Edo Castle. Peak electricity consumption recorded by TEPCO during the period was 49.22GW, which is 10.77GW (18%) lower than the peak consumption in the previous year. [296][322] The blaze was in a building housing the turbine, which is sited separately from the plant's reactor,[306] and was soon extinguished. Helen Jung and Jeff Manning, "Waves bring destruction to Oregon's south coast", 「津波 太平洋を往復」Nikkei 2 May 2014 Morning News, Inajima, Tsuyoshi; Okada, Yuji (11 March 2011). [178][179] In California and Oregon, up to 2.4 m-high (7.9 ft) tsunami waves hit some areas, damaging docks and harbors and causing over US$10 million in damage. [281][282][283], A 220,000-barrel (35,000 m3)-per-day[284] oil refinery of Cosmo Oil Company was set on fire by the quake at Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, to the east of Tokyo. [216] 236 children were orphaned in the prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima by the disaster;[217][218] 1,580 children lost either one or both parents,[219] 846 in Miyagi, 572 in Iwate, and 162 in Fukushima. [110][111], The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan reported land subsidence based on the height of triangulation stations in the area measured by GPS as compared to their previous values from 14 April 2011. [252] A total of 319 fishing ports, about 10% of Japan's fishing ports, were damaged in the disaster. [6], The main earthquake was preceded by a number of large foreshocks, with hundreds of aftershocks reported. Murata confirmed that due to the strong earthquake, its factories in Fukushima and Miyagi have suspended operations. Cooling is needed to remove decay heat after a Generation II reactor has been shut down, and to maintain spent fuel pools. [269] The reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Dai-ni plants were automatically taken offline when the first earthquake occurred and sustained major damage from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. [138] A 4-metre-high (13 ft) tsunami hit Iwate Prefecture. The 7.3 magnitude underwater earthquake northeastern Japan on Saturday. The plant's 14-metre-high (46 ft) seawall successfully withstood the tsunami. [108], The number of aftershocks was associated with decreased health across Japan. [220] The quake and tsunami killed 378 elementary, middle-school, and high school students and left 158 others missing. The earthquake hit late at night on Saturday 13 February 2021 at 11:07 pm local time at a moderately shallow depth of 59 km. [276], The expected electricity crisis in 2011 summer was successfully prevented thanks to all the setsuden measures. The Japan Meteorological Agency assigned a magnitude of 7.4 MJMA, while the U.S. Geological Survey lowered it to 7.1 Mw. [221] One elementary school in Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Okawa Elementary, lost 74 of 108 students and 10 of 13 teachers and staff.[222][223][224]. Sumitomo Metal Industries could produce up to 500 MW, JFE Steel 400 MW, and Nippon Steel 500 MW of electric power. We’re fast approaching the 10th year since the Great East Japan Earthquake devastated the Tohoku region of Tohoku. It is often referred to in Japan as the Great East Japan earthquake (東日本大震災, Higashi nihon daishinsai)[12][13][fn 1] and is also known as the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake,[28] the Great Sendai earthquake,[29] the Great Tōhoku earthquake,[29] and the great earthquake of March 11. Such discrepancies in the warning were attributed by the JMA to the system's inability to distinguish between two different earthquakes that happened at around same time, as well as to the reduced number of reporting seismometers due to power outages and connection fails. [311] This brought the total number of problematic reactors to six. The earthquake that had struck Fukushima on March 11, 2011, measured 9.0 on the Richter Scale and was centred 130 km offshore the city of Sendai in Miyagi prefecture on the eastern coast of Japan's Honshu island. The volcano had previously erupted in January 2011; it is not known if the later eruption was linked to the earthquake. [360][361][362] Twelve of the aircraft were scrapped, while the remaining six were slated for repair at a cost of 80 billion yen ($1 billion), exceeding the original cost of the aircraft. [145][146], Large parts of Kuji and the southern section of Ōfunato including the port area were almost entirely destroyed. The strong ground motion registered at the maximum of 7 on the Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale in Kurihara, Miyagi Prefecture. [291][292], The city-owned plant for importing liquefied natural gas in Sendai was severely damaged, and supplies were halted for at least a month. [378] Gravimetric data from the quake have been used to create a model for increased warning time compared to seismic models, as gravity fields travel faster than seismic waves. [61], Soil liquefaction was evident in areas of reclaimed land around Tokyo, particularly in Urayasu,[91][92] Chiba City, Funabashi, Narashino (all in Chiba Prefecture) and in the Koto, Edogawa, Minato, Chūō, and Ōta Wards of Tokyo. [76], Most of the foreshocks are interplate earthquakes with thrust-type focal mechanisms. [352][353] Within Japan, only a few websites were initially unreachable. Fishing equipment was scattered on the high cliff above the bay. [68] In 2007, the probability of an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 8.1–8.3 was estimated as 99% within the following 30 years.[69]. [326][327] Tōhoku Electric Power Co. stated this may have been due to radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accidents but was not from the Onagawa plant itself. [94], Shinmoedake, a volcano in Kyushu, erupted three days after the earthquake. The thousands of bodies, however, exceeded the capacity of available crematoriums and morgues, many of them damaged,[230][231] and there were shortages of both kerosene—each cremation requires 50 litres—and dry ice for preservation. The 1896 Sanriku earthquake (明治三陸地震, Meiji Sanriku Jishin) was one of the most destructive seismic events in Japanese history. [268] TEPCO, which normally provides approximately 40 GW of electricity, announced that it could only provide about 30 GW, because 40% of the electricity used in the greater Tokyo area was supplied by reactors in the Niigata and Fukushima prefectures. [344], The Tōhoku Shinkansen line was worst hit, with JR East estimating that 1,100 sections of the line, varying from collapsed station roofs to bent power pylons, will need repairs. [336], A tsunami flooded Sendai Airport at 15:55 JST,[134] about one hour after the initial quake, causing severe damage. The system automatically stopped all high-speed trains, which minimized the damage. [335] Twenty thousand stranded visitors spent the night of 11–12 March inside Tokyo Disneyland. [376][377], The quake gave scientists the opportunity to collect a large amount of data to model the seismic events that took place in great detail. [351] Internet services were largely unaffected in areas where basic infrastructure remained, despite the earthquake having damaged portions of several undersea cable systems landing in the affected regions; these systems were able to reroute around affected segments onto redundant links. A 7-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan’s Fukushima prefecture on Saturday, violently shaking cities on the eastern seaboard and prompting fears of a tsunami, weeks before the 2011 nuclear disaster’s anniversary. Early estimates placed insured losses from the earthquake alone at US$14.5 to $34.6 billion. [56] The seismic moment (M0), which represents a physical size for the event, was calculated by the USGS at 3.9×1022 joules,[79] slightly less than the 2004 Indian Ocean quake. Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake", "Energy and resilience: The effects of endogenous interdependencies on trade network formation across space among major Japanese firms", Fault that Caused Japan's 2011 Earthquake is Thin and Slippery. Major railways began running trains at 10–20 minute intervals, rather than the usual 3–5 minute intervals, operating some lines only at rush hour and completely shutting down others; notably, the Tōkaidō Main Line, Yokosuka Line, Sōbu Main Line and Chūō-Sōbu Line were all stopped for the day. [123][124][125] Chile's Pacific coast, one of the farthest from Japan at about 17,000 kilometres (11,000 mi) away, was struck by waves 2 metres (6.6 ft) high,[126][127][128] compared with an estimated wave height of 38.9 metres (128 ft) at Omoe peninsula, Miyako city, Japan. The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami has been assigned GLIDE identifier EQ-2011-000028-JPN by the Asian Disaster Reduction Center. On the evening of the 13th, an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale occurred in the northeastern region of Japan, which affected the production of manufacturers such as Murata, Renesas, and Shin-Etsu, according to SemiMedia.Among them, Murata's factories in Fukushima and Miyagi have suspended operations; Renesas estimates that it will take a week to resume normal … These include Sendai #4, New-Sendai #1 and #2, Haranomachi #1 and #2, Hirono #2 and #4 and Hitachinaka #1. Because the plate boundary and subduction zone in the area of the Honshu rupture is not very straight, it is unusual for the magnitude of its earthquake to exceed 8.5 Mw; the magnitude of this earthquake was a surprise to some seismologists. It could take months or years to learn how damaging the release of dangerous isotopes has been to human health and food supplies, and to the surrounding countryside. Sendai was the nearest major city to the earthquake, 130 km (81 mi) from the epicenter; the earthquake occurred 373 km (232 mi) northeast of Tokyo. The timing of the earliest recorded tsunami maximum readings ranged from 15:12 to 15:21, between 26 and 35 minutes after the earthquake had struck. [267] Rolling blackouts began on 14 March due to power shortages caused by the earthquake. Warnings were issued and evacuations were carried out in many countries bordering the Pacific. [86] On 6 April the Japanese coast guard said that the quake shifted the seabed near the epicenter 24 metres (79 ft) and elevated the seabed off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture by 3 metres (9.8 ft). [210] As of March 2012, Japanese police data showed that 70% of the 3,279 still missing were aged 60 or over, all found, including 893 in their 70s and 577 in their 80s. Four dams within the quake area were unreachable. In the fall of 2016 Japan's National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED; Japanese abbreviation, Bosai Kaken; full name Bousai Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyusho) launched the online interactive "Disaster Chronology Map for Japan, 416–2013" (map labels in Japanese) to display in visual form the location, disaster time, and date across the islands. [6][7] The earthquake was initially reported as 7.9 Mw by the USGS before it was quickly upgraded to 8.8 Mw, then to 8.9 Mw,[49] and then finally to 9.0 Mw. [206] The earthquake and tsunami also caused extensive and severe structural damage in north-eastern Japan, including heavy damage to roads and railways as well as fires in many areas, and a dam collapse. [186] It was reported that a 1.5 m-high (4.9 ft) wave completely submerged Midway Atoll's reef inlets and Spit Island, killing more than 110,000 nesting seabirds at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. [304] In February 2019, there were 42 operable reactors in Japan. [30][31][32] The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that may have reached heights of up to 40.5 meters (133 ft) in Miyako in Tōhoku's Iwate Prefecture,[33][34] and which, in the Sendai area, traveled at 700 km/h (435 mph)[35] and up to 10 km (6 mi) inland. [232] The single crematorium in Higashimatsushima, for example, could only handle four bodies a day, although hundreds were found there. It’s been 10 years since a devastating magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami struck the nation, killing more than 18,000 people. [372], Rescue operations in the floodwaters in downtown Ishinomaki, Emergency vehicles staging in the ruins of Otsuchi, Japan following the tsunami, Anti-nuclear protest following the disaster, Seismologists anticipated a very large quake would strike in the same place as the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake—in the Sagami Trough, southwest of Tokyo. The Japan Digital Archive is presented in English and Japanese and is hosted at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. [53] Over eight hundred aftershocks of magnitude 4.5 Mw or greater have occurred since the initial quake,[54] including one on 26 October 2013 (local time) of magnitude 7.1 Mw. This motivated government researchers to look into other ways the earthquake may have had large scale effects on the planet. [169] Also, at the slope of a nearby mountain from 400 metres (1,300 ft) away at Aneyoshi fishery port (姉吉漁港) of Omoe peninsula (重茂半島) in Miyako, Iwate, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology found estimated tsunami run up height of 38.9 metres (128 ft). Railway operators gradually increased capacity over the next few days, until running at approximately 80% capacity by 17 March and relieving the worst of the passenger congestion. The warning system was supposed to be updated about 15 minutes after the earthquake occurred, by which time the calculation for the moment magnitude scale would normally be completed. [84] Three other prefectures—Fukushima, Ibaraki and Tochigi—recorded an upper 6 on the JMA scale. Kyodo News, "Survivors in trauma after life-changing nightmare day". [109], On February 13, 2021, a magnitude 7.1–7.3 earthquake struck off the coast of Sendai. [95] In Antarctica, the seismic waves from the earthquake were reported to have caused the Whillans Ice Stream to slip by about 0.5 metres (1 ft 8 in). Part 1: A Brief Survey of Religious Mobilization after the Great East Japan Earthquake Disasters". [140] At least 101 designated tsunami evacuation sites were hit by the wave. Hopefully there is no Tsunami? If you felt this quake (or if you were near the epicenter), User reports estimate the perceived ground shaking intensity according to the, Based on its magnitude, the fault that was active during the quake ruptured along a surface of approx. The latest report from the Japanese National Police Agency report confirms 15,899 deaths,[37] 6,157 injured,[38] and 2,529 people missing[39] across twenty prefectures, and a report from 2015 indicated 228,863 people were still living away from their home in either temporary housing or due to permanent relocation.[40]. [265], According to the Japanese trade ministry, around 4.4 million households served by Tōhoku Electric Power (TEP) in northeastern Japan were left without electricity. The expressway did not reopen to general public use until 24 March 2011. [105], As of 16 March 2012 aftershocks continued, totaling 1887 events over magnitude 4.0; a regularly updated map showing all shocks of magnitude 4.5 and above near or off the east coast of Honshu in the last seven days[106] showed over 20 events. [87] A report by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, published in Science on 2 December 2011, concluded that the seabed in the area between the epicenter and the Japan Trench moved 50 metres (160 ft) east-southeast and rose about 7 metres (23 ft) as a result of the quake. Narita and Haneda Airport both briefly suspended operations after the quake, but suffered little damage and reopened within 24 hours. [212] These indirect casualties have already resulted in more deaths than the number of people killed directly by earthquake and tsunami within the Fukushima prefecture. [100][101][102], Four days later on 11 April, another magnitude 7.1 Mw aftershock struck Fukushima, causing additional damage and killing a total of three people. Most of these deaths occurred during the first six months after the earthquake and the number dropped thereafter, but as time has passed, the number has continued to increase. Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant lost three of its four external power lines and temporarily lost cooling function in its spent fuel pools for "20 to 80 minutes". Residents in … In comparison to the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake, the East Japan earthquake brought serious damage to an extremely wide range. A spill of "up to 3.8 litres" of radioactive water also occurred at Onagawa following the aftershock. [301] As the nuclear crisis entered a second month, experts said that Fukushima Daiichi, while not the worst nuclear accident ever, was the most complicated. Services on the Tōhoku Shinkansen partially resumed only in Kantō area on 15 March, with one round-trip service per hour between Tokyo and Nasu-Shiobara,[345] and Tōhoku area service partially resumed on 22 March between Morioka and Shin-Aomori. [288][289] Ten years after Fukushima was hit by the major magnitude 9 earthquake of 11 March 2011, followed by a devastating tsunami and the breakdown of nuclear facilities, today's strong earthquake in almost the same spot hit with a magnitude of 7.1, considered very strong by earthquake standards. [228][229], Japanese funerals are normally elaborate Buddhist ceremonies that entail cremation. The epicenter was located about 80 miles (130 kilometers) east of the city of Sendai, which is in Miyagi prefecture. [369], The aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami included both a humanitarian crisis and a major economic impact. Thousands of lives were lost and entire towns were devastated. [Council for Central] Disaster Management, This page was last edited on 20 March 2021, at 15:22. [161], On 13 March 2011, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) published details of tsunami observations recorded around the coastline of Japan following the earthquake. [299], A report by the IAEA in 2012 found that the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant, the closest nuclear plant to the epicenter of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, had remained largely undamaged. [120] The system's software was subsequently modified to handle this kind of situation. Of those who attempted to evacuate after hearing the warning, only five percent were caught in the tsunami. [363], 754 cultural properties were damaged across nineteen prefectures, including five National Treasures (at Zuigan-ji, Ōsaki Hachiman-gū, Shiramizu Amidadō, and Seihaku-ji); 160 Important Cultural Properties (including at Sendai Tōshō-gū, the Kōdōkan, and Entsū-in, with its western decorative motifs); 144 Monuments of Japan (including Matsushima, Takata-matsubara, Yūbikan, and the Site of Tagajō); six Groups of Traditional Buildings; and four Important Tangible Folk Cultural Properties. Major magnitude 7.1 earthquake - Near East Coast of Honshu, Japan, on Saturday, 13 February 2021 at 14:07 (GMT) - information Major magnitude 7.1 earthquake - North Pacific Ocean, 88 km southeast of Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, on Saturday, 13 Feb 2021 11:07 pm (GMT +9) Murata did not specify when the factory will resume work, but revealed that it will not last long. This motion pushes the upper plate down until the accumulated stress causes a seismic slip-rupture event. The Japanese Foreign Ministry confirmed the deaths of nineteen foreigners. [258] Eight people were missing and four bodies were discovered by the morning.
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