Mark A. Smith, who teaches political science at the University of Washington, pays close attention to what is now commonly called the "culture war" in America. Who loved us so much He shed the blood of His only Son for all of us. Thank you for listening to my depressing rant, as you can see I need lots of help. (ESV) 7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. Dan Mohler at The Rock Church, Castle Rock, CO. Valentine's Day 2021. It's mainly short topic oriented videos mixed with some full messages. And I believe!! Sproul, Al Mohler, Jr., John MacArthur. Beware of the leaven of the Calvinists and the traditions and teachings of men that make the Word of God void. Maybe that’s why I’ve been confronted with so many lies off the bat, to build endurance and discernment, the Lord works in wonderful and mysterious ways and I can’t wait to learn more about Him. I know I have yet a long way to go and I’m always afraid I’ll screw it up because I’m impatient, fearful, cowardly, etc… but he’s the Almighty and growing in faith does mean He’ll put me into shape spiritually so that I do bare good spiritual fruits. (17) And when He had gone out into the way, one came running up and kneeled to Him, and asked Him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Todd was a suicidal drug addict that stumbled on Dan Mohler whom he had never met before and hence it is impossible to tell the s tory of Todd White without mentioning Dan Mohler. God’s in control.” No, the earth He gave to the children of men and He told us to subdue it in the power of His name through the power … If you find a discrepancy any correction according to scripture should be given in love and without accusation. Mat 23:13 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Dr. Mohler had to go beyond mere assent to evaluate their actual teachings against the orthodoxy which they professed. There will not be a great revival. I’m just a newly saved Christian who is trying to develop skills of discernment in these troubling times and I find myself constantly frustrated as so many people are claiming to be Christian and many are saying different things. Watch and see that Dan Mohler is for real! Please stop worrying about this, folks. And you say this in “God’s LOVE.”. When God draws a person to Himself in Christ, it’s because they need Him and not because He needs them. Can two walk together, except they be agreed. Bethel Church’s senior pastor is “Super Apostle” Bill Johnson, which is a big red flag right there. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30 MKJV). P.S. Believe His prophets, and so you shall be blessed” (2 Chronicles 20:20 MKJV). From: Paul Cohen I’ve become more a child of Satan as Jesus was and is nowhere near my heart. (18) And Jesus said to him, Why do you call Me good? We invite you to join us, either in-person or online, for TGC’s 2021 National Conference, Jesus Is Greater: Christ’s Supremacy in a Chaotic World. Dan Mohler session of the Harvest Chapel School of Kingdom Living 2011 - HCSKL - Day 47 Abridged Notes. That problem would have arisen had we followed these false teachers and our hearts weren’t after The Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many witnesses in Scripture that contradict Dan Mohler’s testimony, as legitimate as it may appear to many. Even before when I was first learning about Him I was so depressed I wanted to kill myself everyday and probably would have if he didn’t intervene, how blessed we are to have such a Saviour! This is a subject we’ve reported on many times to remind people of the unbiblical nature of this so-called mandate. @ karen from the emails above… with Jesus through Dan’s teaching of the word, Jesus set you free from smoking and pot!!! And tell me, how will you resist the Power of the True Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, when He sends strong delusion? It’s not by asking the wrong way, but by asking with the wrong motive – a matter of the heart. “I had so much hope because I felt like God finally was with me and helped me quit smoking cigarettes and marijuana after years of addiction, after listening to Dan Mohler preach I thought I had finally got a grip on what it means to have faith in God, but now that’s another lie… it’s hard not to feel like an eternally lost sheep.”. His passion is to see the love of God reverse the effects of sin and sickness in the world and train others to reproduce the works of Jesus in their every day lives. “Crossing all denominational boundaries” is also the way of anti-Christ. Dan doesn’t recognize that most people in denominations don’t believe – they haven’t met or known the Lord Jesus Christ at all, which is why they’re in denominations. These resources can help you to live beyond what you've ever thought of :-) // I recommend you Dan Mohler:-) Dan Mohler (audio podcasts / video) 137 Todd White (audio podcasts / video) 7 God is awesome , -I understand asking for money can be controversial when you’re a Christian, I’ve heard of a few false teachers who preach for this alone, they’ve got fancy cars, mansions and some even jet planes! But He is keeping you from that and is opening His way to you. We don’t give our lives to God at repentance – we come to Him in order for Him to take over our lives – something very different. Don’t listen to man, listen to the Holy Spirit, he leads us into all truth. You haven’t taken up the cross and you’ll not be doing so anytime soon. Reading your responses to her was saddening and heart rending for their lack of caring love. If you listen to Dr. Mohler’s retelling of his early battles at Southern Seminary, you will find that every liberal professor claimed to assent to orthodoxy. The “Holy Spirit” you refer to is another and not the Lord Jesus Christ. @1:13:20 @2:28:05 @1:16:37 Its message is unbiblical and its promises fail. And aren’t you confessing you’re sick? Therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5-6 MKJV). He is the faithful Physician sent to heal the sick. Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2015 9:05 AM "There's a movement of grace out there right now that is perverting the grace message; that's just saying "It's a big party and everybody's O.K." Since that time he has gone on to serve as an associate pastor for 8.5 years and now is traveling as an itinerant minister, sharing the transforming power of the gospel in a way that leaves others changed forever.”. “Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” (John 14:6 MKJV). Dan demonstrates what a life surrendered to God looks like. His inspirational messages on redemption penetrate the hearts of believers and motivate them to live righteous, compassionate lives. We receive the baptism of His Spirit and fire, which consumes the man of sin – not just the wanton sinner who is without Christ, but the moral and devout “first Christian,” who is full of good works. I agree- however, I came across a difficult passage. Dan was ecstatic – he had the love and forgiveness he was after and his life was now this spirit’s. Dan Mohler Exposed. It is a path to Replacement Theology … Dan’s heart was set on being someone special, someone loved and accepted. All I read is condemnation from one man. Subject: Re: False Teachers – Bill Schnoebelen & Todd White Article. Praise God. "There's a movement of grace out there right now that is perverting the grace message; that's just saying "It's a big party and everybody's O.K." Todd may never ask for money, and he may give all his goods to feed the poor, but he still isn’t walking in the Spirit or love of God (1 Corinthians 1:13), according to what we’ve written. But take heed; behold, I have told you all things beforehand” (Mark 13:22-23 MKJV). And he said to me, See, do not do it! For you devour widows’ houses, and as a pretense you make long prayers. Are you all wise enough to know the difference and strong enough to resist when Almighty God does it? Not at all, but you won’t recognize and receive God’s servants as long as you’re putting your trust in man. (5) and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. What could a sinner coming to a Holy God possibly know about living for Him? “However if Todd truly is working for God then the money is all for God’s mission, I think we need to look at what he’s using it for before we come to any rash judgment….”. (5) And they will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. It is a path to the world of Augustine, the church fathers, John Calvin, Protestantism, the Puritans, infant baptism. Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2015 7:22 AM Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 10:58 AM “All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will in no way cast out” (John 6:37 MKJV). Go, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven. As a Calvinist, Mohler believes that human salvation is a free gift from God which cannot be earned by human action or will and is only given to the elect. Evangelical Christians in the United States now face an inevitable moment of decision. Because the Lord has sent you strong delusion that you should believe a lie. Am I doomed to this existence? Thanks for articulating it clearly. In a recent blog post, Pastor Gabriel Hughes dealt with an exposé on Bethel Church written by journalist Molly Hensley-Clancy. “[Trump’s] arrogance and ego and constant need for adulation drive me to distraction. When the rich young ruler approached the Lord, he came bearing his righteousness. It sounds like he is giving Jesus the credit and glory, but truly everything is predicated on Dan. All we need do is accept the awesome gift and he fills us with the Holy Spirit so we always love and obey God, and live by His standard of righteousness and truth, -Performing miracles is not at all assurance that you’re saved, only your relationship with God is, both Dan and Todd talk about others who perform miracles but are not saved, they warn against using miracles as justification that you are saved and believe that you should be grounded in an intimate relationship with God before attempting miracles to avoid thinking that way, -God loved us while we were yet sinners (not our sin of course) and we need to love other sinners as God loves all of us, God doesn’t want anyone to perish but wishes that all would come to repentance, -We need to spread the message to everyone in love as Jesus did, not condemnation, when Jesus spoke of hell and judgement it wasn’t to condemn but to convict us of our sins that we should desire righteousness and be saved, -Our value is derived from God, he created us in his image and even when we constantly let him down he didn’t condemn us to die in our sin but chose to suffer and lay down his own life so we can be saved and return to our natural God-given state, he loves us so much!!!!! For everyone who exalts himself shall be abased, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted” (Luke 18:13-14 MKJV). I would strongly encourage you to seek Christ’s path of reconciliation according to scripture with any brother and to document that path out of love before going public with a stance so that if one has been deceived they may be restored. To: Paul Cohen I hold by faith that this is an old article and such is part of the old man left in the past. (16) Then those fearing [believing on] the LORD spoke together, each man to his neighbor. This is just few chosen videos as advertisement, if you want more, check out Dan Mohler's Power & Love sessions and ultimately School of Kingdom Living. These resources can help you to live beyond what you've ever thought of :-) // I recommend you Dan Mohler:-) Dan Mohler (audio podcasts / video) 137 Todd White (audio podcasts / video) 7 Perhaps the best way to understand the significance of Möhler’s work is to place him in the context of the Catholic Tübingen School. I had fallen into the lie time and time again that the way of the world and the commandments of men are one in the same with God’s ways even when I thought I believed otherwise. It is more an observation of a brother and passer-by who cares. The punchline from Mohler’s commentary: Prosperity theology is a False Gospel. Because you haven’t believed the Truth. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the LORD, and for those esteeming His Name. They are the works of Dan. (9) Since, therefore, we have now been justified by His blood, much more shall we be saved by Him from the wrath of God. Trump polarizes effectively. 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