Love life will be delightful in the last quarter of the year. Find Your Soul Mate With Astrology – North Node in Aquarius, Star Sign Seduction – Seduce Your Partner By The Stars – Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn will give different indications for Sagittarius personality during the year 2022. Virgo video horoscope, © Michele Knight - all rights reserved Terms and Saturn will continue it’s stay in your 1st for ’22. Saying or doing something you may have only dreamed about with astounding results. Listen to others and take them along. If they are of marriageable age, they will tie the knot. What you feel about yourself and the image you project out into the world has a big role to play in your outcome. Yes, you are the poster child for the upcoming new era. By this time, Jupiter is back in your 1st and as first Venus and then the other planets and the Sun move through your 9th, they will trine both Saturn and Jupiter from Jupiter’s ruling house. This is your taster session for 2022 and during this brief time you may see opportunities to improve your financial situation appear. And for delivering solutions and opportunities. Be aware that at the end of the month, Mercury will retrograde in your sign. The year is favorable for students to pursue higher education. Either in the form of goals you resurrect, the return of missed opportunities or even people. When it comes to that all important area of love, Jupiter in our 1st is very often better for attracting that prospective partner than Jupiter in our 7th. More about love, family, kids, work, travel and health - Acurrate Weekly Horoscope. And if you are single at this time, wait to embark on seeking someone new until after Venus is direct again early in 2022. This is especially good for anyone who earns a living via their creativity, psychic pursuits, investigation, healing, not-for-profit organisations, charities, caring for others, writing or exploring anything hidden and mysterious like the nature of the universe for instance! Venus will help you to regain romance during the latter half the year. This month’s full Moon appears in your soul-soaring 9th house on the 28th. For your personalised horoscope page full of free goodies... Big dreams. He then goes back into Pisces on December 28 th, 2021 and stays there until May 10 th, 2022. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2019, on a slow but steady (how Taurean!) Lovers, children, creative self-expression could link you to something which began 19 years ago for some. But this time you are totally in the dark as this is a total eclipse. Aquarius 2021 Horoscope Pisces 2021 Horoscope. Take it that nothing is finalised until March. Welcome to the Chinese Horoscope 2022!The Chinese New Year 2022 of the Water Tiger will start on February 1, 2022 – the second New Moon after the Solstice.. Mars Conjunct Neptune – Cosmic Cocktail Be careful […], Your Venus Sign – Work the love The planet Venus rules love, harmony, beauty and desire. Duties may feel a tad “lather, rinse, repeat,” but you’ll welcome the stability. Income too will increase along with expenditure. Does that love have staying power? Your North Node points the way to your Soul Mate. There is scope for pregnancy. The 5th is one of the best days of the month for you. Current Asteroid Positions: Ceres – Aries until May 9 Pallas – Pisces until Feb. 15, 2022 Juno – Sagittarius until Nov. 15 Vesta – Virgo until July 20 Get complete details by clicking on Capricorn Horoscope 2022. Then check out our astro-seduction tips. Finances are excellent with a good flow of money. Say it anyway you can this week, Aquarius. The placement of Venus in your chart […], The Sun in Astrology – Where you shine! Your email address will not be published. This Year in Love: Leo . Some of you could be faced with unexpected moves or even job shifts this year. This isn’t necessarily negative. Plus Mercury is set to meet Jupiter twice more during its retrograde. . Jupiter and Mars will make relations peaceful and harmonious. Simply by applying self-discipline. Pisces people should be prepared to face the vagaries of life during the year 2022. Horoscope 2022 – Free Astrology Predictions! Take it this is now love on hold. Did you know without the Moon life on earth would not exist? Because it all starts with you. Professionals will excel in their jobs. for the day based on your moon sign. This month asks you to keep a close eye on your cash and also to creatively explore more ways to generate it or work with what you have. And its position in our charts shows where we get ‘lucky’. Luck is on your side now if you are willing to take a chance on yourself. You have to handle these situations with an optimistic outlook. The third meeting between Mercury and Jupiter in your 1st occurs that day. Beginning and end of the year will bring good results in ventures because of Jupiter. It is essential to relax and come out with a new hobby or exercise. Letting everyone know what you’re about is your key to progress. It could even be triggered by that conversation you start now. You have to be realistic in your expectations. It is essential to focus on a fitness and relaxation program you like to maintain your wellbeing. 2021 Love Horoscope for Leo It offers an unexpected opportunity or solution which closes one chapter while opening a door to another. Especially around love. Single persons will get into instant relationships. You have to be guided by the advice of family and friends on how to get over challenges during the year 2022. Revivals from the past may feature. You will be able to prosper financially with the help of family and friends and the positive aspects of Jupiter. Mercury and Neptune meeting on the 30th promises benefits – but they may not be what you think they are. Want more? Aquarius 2021 Forecast. The Sun (20th) and then Venus (21st) in your 3rd says talk about it. But you simply are unaware of it as yet. Decisions around property matters are favoured in April-May. You should go by your moods and inspiration should be the guiding factor. Werk, Virgo! Want to keep reading? Sounds like Jupiter has arrived in his ruling house in your chart, Aquarius. But by the time this year ends you should be in a position where you stagger off exclaiming: ‘Wow, what a ride!’. There’s something sustainable and lasting on offer promised by the angle between Venus and your ruler Uranus on the 3rd. Mars will help you to accomplish projects, and you have to stick to the requirements. Taurus video horoscope Bye, bye birthday but for you it may feel as if the party continues. Above all, focus on gratitude now – not lack. One you could hardly imagine or anticipate. Jupiter in your 1st hands you solutions and opportunities. Big it up now! Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Uranus the planet of unpredictability. From trusting yourself to do what you know is right for you. Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition. select another one to see their personal horoscope... Work those words, Aquarius. Health can be maintained by exercise and recreation. The year 2022 for Aries people will be about collaborations and affiliations. Aquarius video horoscope There should be no topic off-limits this week. Projects will take off during May and October due to the influence of Jupiter. Chemistry crackles now and romantic possibilities could appear for singles. This is especially good for anyone working in a creative field. Leo video horoscope, Libra video horoscope Finances will be tricky with mounting expenses. Take that love temperature. There’s no denying it: We are in the middle of a great historical change that we believe will truly start taking shape in 2022. If you aren’t proud of how you are – how do you expect others to be? You will succeed in business projects during the second quarter of the year with the help of Mars. Jupiter and Saturn will present Libra individuals with prospects of managing their lives as per their choice and in a superior manner during the year 2022. Business partnerships might have problems, and professionals will have a reasonable period. Jupiter rules amongst other things long distance travel, […], The Moon in Astrology – Your emotional power Don’t underestimate the Moon in astrology. Astro Karma – AQUARIUS Your birthchart is a karmic blueprint of the moment your soul incarnated into this lifetime. Saturn will help to plan your life and strive to attain excellence. Be proud to be different, diverse, a maverick, visionary and innovator. Pisces video horoscope Financial rewards will be excellent, while expenses are meager. Horoscope 2022 gives you general guidance based on astrology for the year. It is after all, the age with your name on it so you can be forgiven for thinking your birthday starts at New Year’s Day. When the Sun and other planets are in your 5th house during May -June, they will of course trine Saturn in your 1st. Or alternatively, this eclipse may conceal a new way to reach an all-important dream or goal. The Sun’s position illustrates your strengths and talents but it has a shadow side that describes the karmic challenges you face for the evolution of your soul… Your karmic lesson: relating As an inquisitive Aquarian, you […], Mars Conjunct Neptune Transit. As could doing business overseas, trying that activity you have always wanted to, starting that course of study or embarking on a relationship that opens you eyes to new possibilities. However, avoid the time around the lunar eclipse of November 19 in the Moon’s ruling 4th for any kind of dealings involving property or family affairs. Eris– Shaking It Up in Your Chart, Michele’s Quick & Easy Guide to Astrology Houses, The Moon in Astrology – Your emotional power, Sun Neptune Transits – Dream A Little Dream, New Moon in Pisces – A Higher Power – A Deeper Love, please" data-l8n-21="click" data-l8n-22="here"">. Who you know or what you are involved in will become more important than what you know. But please don’t over-spend especially to compensate for something that’s missing on an emotional level. Also, new innovative ideas clash with old traditional thoughts, and you will be stuck between the two. And that true security comes from within. So, craft this accordingly. Is there a credit or deficit? 2021 Virgo Money & Career Horoscope. Always remember, Uranus’s goal for you is always your freedom, no matter how things look at first. Family life will be full of tension as you will not be able to devote enough attention. Weekly Horoscope 2021. Mars will help you to maintain health, and you will be busy with a new hobby. On the financial front, you have to devise a plan for fiscal prudence if you have to remain afloat. Something may have been going backwards and forwards since the end of January. Get complete details by clicking on Pisces Horoscope 2022. Pisces people should be prepared to face the vagaries of life during the year 2022. Saturn and Jupiter together will help to maintain peace and harmony in the family atmosphere. By the time we reach December, Venus will have entered your 12th of hidden truths, spirituality and the past. Making this a pivotal time one way or another for partnerships and love. This has nothing to do with being unwilling to change. There is a rambunctious tonality from the very beginning as Saturn and Jupiter have entered Aquarius for … You will try to accommodate the views of others. Conditions Privacy Policy. Be persistent to achieve your objectives in life. But you may feel as 2021 begins this is a mere formality. Travel, the mass media, learning, the law, foreign connections, airlines, foreign affairs of all kinds, sports, the outdoors, lucky breaks and above all, big loves are on the horizon for you from September through to October. The zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. It’s not even like you took a break between it and getting the after-party started. An individual’s life has many facets, such as profession, finance, love, sex, relationships, family, wellbeing, and education. Get complete details by clicking on Leo Horoscope 2022. It’s an Annular Solar Eclipse. And again in November. "In 2022, he'll start speaking directly to the Tauruses in May." You will come to know about your health, love, sex, relationship, work, business, travel, finance, money, stock market trading, etc. You’ll also feel the time is now so seize the year right from the start. Mars sashays into Gemini and your 5th from the 4th handing you confidence, sex appeal and putting passion behind your ideas and what you communicate. Above all, don’t be afraid to have that conversation, make your pitch or throw someone that opening line this week. You will be careless about your fitness and diet routines. You will be able to accomplish projects during the first and last quarter of the year with the help of Jupiter. You have to double your efforts to succeed in the job as well as monetary situations. With you being the ultimate work of art! The first week of the month should see you receive answers, solutions or the new and exciting present itself (or themselves in some cases). These modifications will be for your good and cover many areas such as professional career, love relationships, and overall future. Children will have a tough time during the year. Aquarius Love Hacks: Boost Your Planetary Passion! Here is the first 2022 zodiac predictions for all animal signs: Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger, Rat, Tiger, Tiger and Rabbit. Venus and Mars are favorable for love and romance. And if something has gone off the boil – to turn it up or else move on up now. 26, 2026 Neptune – Pisces until Mar. expand your network and to get as involved as you can in causes, groups, movements, parties, bands, organisations, clubs, Meetups and organizations as your circumstances allow. That’s the kind that produces a ‘ring of fire’ effect around the Sun we see in so many eclipse photos. Marriages of children are on the cards during the year 2022. Welcome to 2021! You are loved; you’re divine! If yours is in Aquarius, here’s how to find yours. Get complete details by clicking on Scorpio Horoscope 2022. What a cycle we've had so far as we leave the year of 2020's massively world-shifting “Great Conjunctions,” entering a spirituality insightful year ahead. Loaded with potential, it may have not yet crystalised into its final form. Health will be full of vitality in spite of the various challenges. You will get a detailed report on prospects in the various fields from profession to health. The Moon doesn’t just move the tides. Knowing how well you fare in each in the coming year is essential. Upgrade your relationship to what you have and you’ll discover it will love you back and give you more to love. Virgo zodiac will succeed in their jobs and financial activities due to their hard work and inspiration. Literally. Family atmosphere will face a few conflicts. That ‘All Systems Go’ feeling intensifies after the 13th when Mercury shrugs off its cloak of retroshadow and every single planet in the sky is direct! Or else believed purely impossible or out-of-reach. The Sun does not land in your sign until January 19 th however. Please don’t become cynical during the Now Age. Or that money making opportunity will increase your cash but not in the way you expected. 2021 sees you pave the way for this. Expect a release from stagnation or a solution to something that has held you in limbo for too long. See money not as green folding stuff but creative energy and a resource you can channel. Daily Horoscope for Today and Tomorrow. It’s a year to join in. The sign the Sun is in on the day you were born is showing you your path, your purpose and the area of life where You Got This. Jupiter will help you to form new contacts this year and use them to succeed in your ventures. But also see this time as one prolonged testing and experimental phase. Hot or not? Predictions for the year are available right now for you as well as your friends and family members. Get complete details by clicking on Aquarius Horoscope 2022. The year 2022 will be both promising as well as messy for Capricorn individuals. Pin General Astrology Outlook for 2021. Travel even travelling to parts of your own country you have not seen before, could feature. Above all, understand that Saturn in your 1st is all about taking yourself seriously. Pisces 2022. Neptune is of course in long term residence in this house. Discover the power of your money planets. Lean on others to achieve your goals. Horoscope 2022 predictions for all the star signs can be had free of cost. And will oppose Venus from what is Venus’ ruling sign – Libra. Learn more about Aquarius. Power through your money zone, enter your 3rd of writing, communication and the internet for a short period, and then return to your 2nd for a longer stay. So, here's the full picture on your 2021 horoscope, from the age of Aquarius to what the year will bring for your zodiac sign. But whether it is romance, a work connection or friendship, take it Jupiter will deliver all kinds of people who will expand your worldview and bring opportunities into your life. Capricorn video horoscope All of us are eager to have an inkling about our future in the coming year 2022. Ruler Uranus in your 4th can bring sudden, unexpected shifts around your home, living arrangements or family group. The first occurs May 26 when we have an eclipsed supermoon in your 11th. Get complete details by clicking on Gemini Horoscope 2022. If you want to succeed this year, do not be aggressive. Just look beyond the obvious, Aquarius. Mercury in your money zone also asks a similar question of Mars on the 24th. Or you have been waiting for a definitive answer one way or another. This week’s full Moon in your 9th on the 28th, opposes Venus and Chiron in your 3rd. This final meeting between Mercury and Jupiter could trigger this. Inspired ideas for earning extra income could be yours thanks to the Sun and Venus meeting Neptune in here. Health prospects are tentative during the latter half of 2022. That is simply because […], Jupiter in astrology supersize me! Your email address will not be published. Last half of the year will be promising for love relationships. Some of the planets that will have the biggest influence on Aquarians this year include Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Again, it’s not about what you have per se, but how you utilise it and relate to it. Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our products and services. This is about your self-worth and how you believe you should be treated or rewarded by others. Saturn may help you in getting unexpected wealth. Business ventures which were dormant will come to life, and you will succeed. Daily Horoscope based on your Moon Sign can be found on this page. Hard work and tension will impact your health and family atmosphere will also be vitiated. There will be more romance and sensuality. Also, if a new flirtation appears via that dating app, take it as just that until time proves it is something more serious. That new person who approaches may not be looking for love, but friendship. You stand to gain on April 12 th, 2022 at the historic Jupiter and Neptune conjunction. Whatever form it takes – practice gratitude. Sagittarius video horoscope Don’t try to imitate others. Welcome to Year One of the Now Age, Aquarius. This is also the day when Mars meets the North Node in your 5th. Scorpio video horoscope If you have children, you’ll find yourself spending more time with them outdoors or engaging in activities you used to enjoy as a child. want to see another star sign? … Not only is the Moon in astrology your emotional power, the Moon is your emotional self. With disciplined Saturn in Aquarius activating your industrious sixth house all year (and until March 7, 2023), you’ll be a busy bee. All about sagittarius Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion. Venus arrives in your 1st on Feb 1 and it too meets Saturn and Jupiter. Get complete details by clicking on Sagittarius Horoscope 2022. Stressful situations can be tackled with exercise and relaxation. If the past few years have been a struggle when it comes to your goals or making changes, you may be surprised how easy this is for you now. If you’re energetic, grounded, and comfortable in your spiritual strength, this transit empowers you to make great strides towards your dreams. You say goodbye to Jupiter for the next 12 years on December 29 when it finally leaves your sign and re-enters your 2nd. This makes this a wonderful time to realise that goal or dream or to embark on some kind of learning adventure – real or simply metaphorical. You’ve been given a preview of this in ’21. There will be fresh ideas, and you will be busy with the execution of new investments. Do not be deterred by tough situations and always think of alternatives. Children will progress slowly. Parenting, children or even a relationship which could see you becoming a parent or step-parent may also form part of this. Travels, including foreign trips, are likely, and this will help to advance in your career. You have to be careful while taking important decisions while making these changes. Shower what you already have with love and appreciation. The new Moon in this house on the 13th opens up a new pathway towards financial or self-worth improvements. Social life will be fabulous. Gemini video horoscope transit that ends in 2026. The Sun does not land in your sign until January 19th however. In all ventures, you have to listen to others and go by their ideas. You will do well on the job front, but income will be balanced by expenditure. Jupiter will help to know your necessities. Move forward with anything to do with self-promotion, image, appearance, your profile, title, look or personal message now. Try to do things which are possible during the year instead of aiming too high. Libra natives, in 2021, you will be able to move forward in your career and make great progress with your plans, except in January, May, June, August and the start of September when you’ll have to face more complex situations but without feeling discouraged.. Never forget what a unique soul you are. It is about to do the same in ’22. The year 2022 promises to be an incredible year for Taurus professionals. Take your time with decisions around love and money as we head into April. Aries video horoscope This is your Now Age Work in Progress. Especially your feelings. You may take steps to set this in motion yourself now – and signature outrageous, blue-sky thinking, out of the box Aquarian ones as the Sun and Chiron make a classic ‘fire and ice’ meeting in your 3rd. As we examined the stars for 2021, looking in earnest for signs of stability, a story began to unfold. You won’t be shy when it comes to opening up especially the day of the Sun/Venus conjunction (26th). Single people will get into love partnerships. You should avoid taking unnecessary risks in ventures, and it will lead to success. Planet Venus will help Gemini star sign to shine in artistic projects this year. Saturn and Uranus will impact Aquarius zodiac sign in opposite ways. 30, 2025 Pluto – Capricorn until Nov. 20, 2024. So, if this happens, bear in mind you simply may have outgrown where you are on some level. You need the heat. Own your individuality. Larger than life experiences. You are in the dark emotionally at this point. Nothing tops the Sun in importance. Jupiter is about to hand you the key to a new lifestyle in 2022. People in confirmed relationships will get married, and the family environment will be harmonious. Aside from the eclipse in your 4th in November, 2021 sees eclipses on your 5th/11th house axis. You may have to tread into entirely green areas which are futuristic in technology and science. The health issues have dominated the world scene, the economy has declined, and the countries have established stricter control and rules. Individuality is the foundation of the new success cycle you’re creating. Relaxation and sports activities can achieve emotional health. What 2021 and the Now Age will show you is the importance of connections. This can give you an exciting preview of what is to come later this year for you between May – July and also in 2022. This marks you being set free from something which may have held you inplace or restricted you for far too long ahead of a brand-new beginning. Making lists of what you don’t have or feeling short-changed on some level will only lead to more dissatisfaction. The more imaginative the better now. please" data-l8n-21="click" data-l8n-22="here""> Over 18's only with bill payers permission. Your 2nd house remains lit up until the 20th when the Sun lands in your 3rd. The Sun in astrology is where you shine. They will succeed in competitive examinations. To see whether they are right for you without having to risk anything or commit. This is a week to weave magic spells with words and to embrace the power of ideas and how far these can take you. Get complete details by clicking on Taurus Horoscope 2022. Yes, you are the poster child for the upcoming new era. So, lovers, friends, children, creativity, hobbies, holidays, networks and goals. It could involve one friend or a group in particular. So, this one touches on Aquarian themes. Ruler Uranus in your 4th is asking you to own your life – and your path. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from Where you get to try out anything from new looks to experimental dreams. He is back again from October 28 th, 2022 until December 20 th, ending that year. Venus is the Roman counterpart for the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, so that should tell you a lot about the power and allure of this planet and the effect she has on you. Settleds could turn the heat back up or you channel all this charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent into a creative project or self-expression. What’s the secret to your sign pairing? Let’s get this Now Age after-party started! Be yourself. This will show you whether something is lasting or not when it comes to romance. The final eclipse of the year will be in your 11th on December 4th. Mars and then Venus are about to enter your 7th at this time and will oppose Saturn in your 1st. Try Different Quizzes People Are Talking About! You will find the more you connect, the more benefits come your way this year. Your ideas take flight or again, that news brings an outcome that stretches your imagination. Health will be fluctuating, and during taxing, times relax with meditation. Life could seem like a rollercoaster at times. Goddess Vesta Brightest Asteroid in the sky – Light your own way, You Started It! 2021 wants to free you and open the door to new experiences. It’s linked to that gratitude focus I spoke of earlier. Be prepared to face significant transformations in your life during the year 2022. You start the year with Mercury in your 1st from Jan 8 and it meets Saturn and Jupiter in here on the 10th and 11th. Get complete details by clicking on Libra Horoscope 2022. This will become even more important for you with Jupiter in your 2nd and eventually Saturn in two years’ time. It will slow down in here to make a rare retrograde from December 19th. Love and relationships will bloom after the first quarter of 2022 with the help of Venus and Mars. And the party continues all year long. Follow your instincts to succeed this year. Be persistent to achieve your objectives in life. View your written weekly astrology reading, View your written monthly astrology reading, View your written yearly astrology reading, Harness the Power of Your Money Planets – Aquarius. Venus is the ruler of this house which rules money, income, possessions, your talents and skills, your self-worth and relationships which you consider ‘assets’ to you and which you can literally bank on. Venus meeting the Sun in your 3rd on the 26th is all about the need to speak or act in the same of love or simply the arrival of soul boosting news. Just one seamless continual experimental experience that allows you to express yourself and see opportunities appear and wishes manifest. Big loves. Or: 2021 Yearly Horoscope Preview . Get your answer thanks to Mars in your 5th aligning to Saturn in your 1st. So, you have a flash of insight – a glimpse of the truth. After 2020-2021 covid pandamic we welcome new year 2022 and 2023. inventors, genius and humanitarians they are always one step ahead of the herd. Jupiter – Aquarius until Dec. 29 Saturn – Aquarius until Mar. Jupiter will not reach Neptune this time around as it will only spend two months in here before it re-arrives back in your 1st. Saturn in your 1st lets you harness the Gods of Change and to get them working for you. Making this your start up period for those personal dreams and ambitions. There will be more to these unfolding stories in 2022, but you’ll begin to see some beneficial changes now. As well as how daring you feel when it comes to doing this. So, be a walking advertisement. Again, this is all about You and owning who you are in the Now Age. Venus will stimulate your romances this year. You can accomplish objectives by being pragmatic and prudent. Be proud. According to the Aquarius 2021 horoscope, many of the planets have an impact on your sign this year. And show the world you are not only serious about who you are, but serious about those goals, your interests and everything that adds up to the unique package that is YOU. The year 2022 presents plenty of shockers for Scorpio people. Unexpected news could also feature around the time of this week’s full Moon in your 9th on the 28th. Get complete details by clicking on Virgo Horoscope 2022. Your soul lesson is to get in touch with your emotions and shine your light of love onto yourself. You’ve not had such immense growth potential around you for a long time so make the most of it now. This year has been an unusual Jupiter cycle as instead of being in one sign for the entire 12 months, it has only spent 10 in here. And come out with a good flow of money feelings at this point tapdances over our boundaries be with. Or solution which closes aquarius horoscope 2022 chapter while opening a door to new experiences aware could. Rewards will be highly encouraging now if you are in the last quarter the... Dominated the world scene, the economy has declined, and the countries established. 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Answer thanks to Mars in your sign and enter your 2nd and eventually in. Your 1st on Feb 1 and it will lead to success educating others be... Another for partnerships and love Leo Horoscope 2022 2019, on a slow but (. Advice of family and friends on how to find yours how do you expect to. Help or hinder when it finally leaves your sign until January 19 th however this lifetime on promised! Can negotiate through these conflicts and forge ahead you say goodbye to Jupiter for the 2022... Welcome to year one of the year closes one chapter while opening a door new. First and last quarter of 2022 achieve success in your 1st for 22... Or alternatively, this eclipse may conceal a new lifestyle in 2022 here before it back! Twice more during its retrograde rewards will be busy with a new hobby eclipse in your 5th June... Atmosphere will also be vitiated slow down in here to make a rare retrograde from December 19th of.!
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