Therefore, we should use the plural form of the verb "bump. Bonus: Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? They will help you to survive during the period, when the test will last. Here are some example sentences that include commas incorrectly placed before or after prepositions: Lucy was petrified to look under, the bed. You might also come across the word "its'," which is not a real word and will thus always be incorrect. ... As an English teacher, people often ask me to name my favorite book. Subject/verb agreement just means that the noun and the verb have the same number (singular or plural). Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. Rhetorical skills have to do with style, organization, and writing logic. These are the 5 strategies you MUST be using to have a shot at improving your score. While gerunds and infinitives can be interchangeable in some sentences, other sentences require the use of one, In the sentence, the gerund "reading" should be changed to an. The verb "learns" should be in the past tense. They always want to know if you know which is the correct preposition, as in the incorrect sentences below. Corrected: Everyone should make his own decision. Here's the corrected version of the sentence: Twenty-five years ago, Josh bought Cross Colours clothing and learned how to rap. Error: The boy insisted that he has paid for the candy bars. A Sentence Fragment is a sentence made of anything less than an independent clause. Corrected: Long and tangled, the child's hair was difficult to comb. On ACT English, there are two types of modifier errors, which we introduce below. As a result, you should be able to replace any semicolon with a period. Nouns and verbs are both parts of speech with number: they are written differently if they refer to just one thing or multiple things. The phrase "known as the Navajo code talkers" is an appositive and therefore must be surrounded by commas. We're going to the park to play basketball. Broken up into 6 passages.Most questions can be answered by only reading the corresponding sentence. Idioms are expressions that mean something different than the actual words they use, such as "rain cats and dogs" or "kick the bucket." Look for Clear and Concise Sentences. Error: Once Nora and Elise go to live with their husbands, they have to convert to their ways of living. Error: Many uneducated citizens who have never attended school continue to vote for better schools. But this is just the beginning. The original sentence implies that "she" died down; however, this doesn’t make much sense. students sometimes ask me. If you remove the clause "who wear sunglasses indoors," you substantially change the meaning of the sentence. When it comes to the ACT, the shortest, grammatically correct answer choice that expresses the same information as the original sentence will be the right answer. Finally, you can use a semicolon to correctly separate two complete thoughts: I’m going to my friend’s house; it’s really far away. However, only one word will be correct given the context of the sentence. Corrected: The climate (singular) in those cities is (singular) uncomfortably humid. The key rule for colons is that they must come after a complete sentence. Here’s an example of a consistency error, with the incorrect part underlined: Twenty-five years ago, Josh bought Cross Colours clothing and learns how to rap. Conventions of Standard English accounts for 51-56 percent of … We'll start first with Usage skills, then move onto Rhetorical skills. Error: The painting is a fascinating work because, by representing women in such a novel way, it questions both representational art and traditional notions of femininity. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. Answer choice D is wrong because a comma can’t come between a subject and a verb. Finally, to excel on the ACT English section, you'll need to determine the best approach for reading passages. Error: The teenage woman who wanted to audition was talented, but only sixteen years old. The phrase "as time goes by" is unnecessary—it doesn’t add any information that can’t be inferred without it. So that it’s going to be super! The subject of the sentence is "clothes," which is plural, so the verb should be in the plural form. Corrected: Ms. Russell is trying to read a book outside but a swarm (singular) of flies keeps (singular) distracting her. There's no specific rule you can learn to identify this error; you just have to be familiar with the phrase. The ACT particularly loves one type of idiom: verbal phrases, which are verb + preposition pairs. Corrected: Loud guard dogs keep burglars at bay. Error: The corporation is who owns this land. There is a terrarium in the first building; it is over there. The clause "which consisted of eating and studying calculus" adds more information about my day, but if it were removed, the overall meaning of the sentence would be unchanged. If the verb is in the present tense and the subject is in the third person (he/she/it/they), the verb usually ends in "s" in the singular form and does not in the plural form. You wouldn't know which people aren't invited, and you’d be left with "People aren’t invited to the party. From this sentence, we can infer that a fire dies down—not "she." Basically, "who" is used as a subject and "whom" is used as an object. The correct answer is something along the lines of "the idea of Ra shows that people personify objects they depend on.". modifies) something. A Comprehensive Guide. [2] He said that bonsai as old as Hoshi didn't need much maintenance, but he would teach me what I needed to know. In this guide, you'll learn: Even if you're not actually interested in Ivy League schools, you'll still learn something fundamental about how to apply to college. This is almost always how the harder ACT pronoun questions test this skill. These rules are by far the most important for you to learn and understand in order to conquer the ACT English section. Parallel structure. Correct: Dave wanted an adrenaline rush; he decided to go skydiving. This article is a great study tool if you are trying to get a middle score, just starting your ACT English studying, or reviewing the most important ACT grammar rules. Here's a corrected version of the sentence: Natalie works in fashion. Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. [6] Bonsai also require careful watering, and Hoshi in particular needs to live outside in the summer to get the best light and inside in the winter because of the cold. The subject of this sentence is "molecules," which is plural. In the first example below, for example, the modifier is "coating the sidewalk," and it describes the snow. As such, you likely already know that taking this exam is an important part of your future college applications. Unfortunately, there is no specific rule you can rely on to know when to use a gerund or infinitive in an expression. Jumping out of an airplane can put your life in peril. Here's an example of a pronoun number agreement error: The pronoun "their" is referring to the homework of Marshall. Idiom questions don’t conform to specific rules. On ACT English, you might find a randomly placed semicolon or need to replace a comma with a semicolon in order to fix a comma splice. The second type of word choice error on the ACT involves synonyms or related words. ACT English: Grammar Rules and Practice Tests. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. ACT English The ACT English exam is based on the rules of grammar that were popular in the middle of the 20 th century. Try to use your knowledge of idioms and keep track of idiom questions on previous ACTs. Capitalize Most Words in Titles. Thus, the correct answer is D. Wordiness and redundancy are similar errors. But, unlike nouns, pronouns change their form if they're used in different ways. Also, keep in mind that a subject can never be contained in a prepositional phrase. Regular nouns like dog or tail do not change depending on whether they are subjects or objects, but most pronouns do. Generally, commas shouldn’t be put before or after a preposition on the test. Corrected: The corporation is what owns this land. Error: All through high school, we were inseparable; however, even our parents eventually became friends. To Plato, the Sun represented the offspring of all that was good. This is a relatively basic subject-verb agreement question. The correct answer is A. All rights reserved. In the example above, the subject is "rock stars," which is plural; therefore, the verb "like" should also be in the plural form ("like" instead of "likes"). Corrected: The show was followed by an encore. The paragraph is all about bonsai cultivation, and Sentence 4 is about the age of bonsai trees. Get acquainted with well-known act grammar rules. To fix this error, we must change "were" to the present tense. Error: Arturo and I happened for meet at the library. Error: The jacket was too small on the sale rack. When I say … Alternatively, you can put a relative pronoun after the comma: I’m going to my friend’s house, which is really far away. Corrected: Ray wore his one collared shirt, which was stained with mustard, to the job interview. There are two kinds of modifier problems tested on the ACT: dangling modifiers and misplaced modifiers. Error: Long and tangled, it was difficult to comb the child's hair. As you practice ACT English questions, get into the habit of … Corrected: The deer moved carefully, quietly and slowly. I'm not sure how to get there; let's get directions. When multiple answers are grammatically correct and express the same essential information, the shortest one will virtually always be correct. Now, let's take a look at a couple of examples. The pronoun "it" at the end of the sentence also indicates that the underlined pronoun should be in the singular form. Answer choice D is wrong because the "they" after "that" is unnecessary. Error: The couple bought the concert tickets, arrived at the theater, and went about finding their seats. Here is an example of a word choice error: The committee chose not to defend it’s decision. Corrected: Good schools enable people to learn more. Here's an example of a wordy sentence: Melissa enjoys having fun by way of shooting at the gun range. The general rule regarding modifiers is that they … If a word is singular or plural and does not end in "s," you add an "s" after the apostrophe to make it possessive. The ACT English section tests numerous grammatical concepts, with many appearing consistently on every test. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. To fix it, we add an independent clause. You wouldn't know which people aren't invited, and you’d be left with "People aren’t invited to the party." If your target score is above 30, you should also study the grammar rules that are only rarely tested on the ACT. Parallel Structure 1. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. The relative pronoun here is referring to "restaurants"—a location—so "where" is more concise and appropriate. Parallel construction is when we present a list of things all in the same way. There are two common types of word choice questions that often appear on the ACT. For many students, grammar is a dreaded subject, but it is a central portion of ACT English. An independent clause has a subject-verb pair and does not start with a word or phrase that makes the clause dependent, such as "when" or "because" (as in example 3 below). Error: There was a rat and three buckets of whitewash in the corner of the basement. Error: One should refrain for texting while driving. ACT English Practice Test. English Test Description for the ACT. Infinitives are verbs used as nouns; they are constructed by putting the word "to" before a verb. And here is the corrected version of the sentence: Melissa enjoys shooting at the gun range. In this article, I'll explain the most important ACT English grammar rules and provide sample questions from real ACTs. Dashes place more emphasis on this content than parentheses. Usage questions cover primarily grammar and punctuation—what we generally think of as correct English. Here are the links to our other articles that explain the remaining grammatical rules you'll need to know for the ACT: Now that you're comfortable with the grammar rules on ACT English, make sure you know about style and organization questions. Error: The Girl Scouts sold cookies to my sister and I. Corrected: The painting is a fascinating work because, by representing women in such a novel way, it questions both representational art and traditional notions of femininity. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? The comma before the preposition "of" is wrong; there also shouldn’t be any comma after "rights." The ACT tests this skill by mismatching the types of comparison: Error: Between butterflies and spiders, humans admire butterflies the most. We'll give you dozens of practice questions to master how to use commas. I've linked each rule to the article in which it's explained more thoroughly. On ACT English, wordiness is a grammatical error in which words or phrases are added to a sentence unnecessarily. Answer choice D unnecessarily adds the infinitive "to be."). In this post, we will introduce the English section of the ACT. Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. The vote was unanimous: the older candidate had won. For example, the pronoun "she" can stand in for "the woman" or "Queen Elizabeth." Correct: The clothes in my bedroom are in my closet. One is to place the noun that's being modified right after the comma: While walking through the grocery story, Jane knocked three bags of Doritos onto the floor with her shopping cart. Here's an example of this: Incorrect: The clothes in my bedroom is in my closet. The shift from the present tense "works" to the past tense "liked" doesn’t make sense in context, and the verb tenses should remain consistent. There are two types of clauses: independent (can be a complete sentence) and dependent (must be attached to an independent clause in order to be a complete sentence). Corrected: Cheetahs are the fastest of all land mammals. The clause "who had gathered essential material critical to writing his best-selling novel Roots from a griot in Gambia" is a non-restrictive clause which adds more information about Alex Haley. Now, it’s evident that George's mom bought the plate—not a kitchen!—on their vacation. SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies. It’s clear that you can’t remember all act English rules. The correct expression is "right to wear clothing," so the correct answer is C. This rule means that a pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number. It's less formal than the rest of the passage, which sounds quite academic. While the rules I explained above are the most often tested on ACT English, there are some other grammar rules that will be tested as well. Error: The elephant is the animal who asks for the most treats. It should go after Sentence 1. Comma rules are extremely important to know for the ACT, and these comma rules are repeatedly tested on ACT English. For example, one dog runs fast, but two dogs run fast. Because storytellers are people, "where" is incorrect. Note that the singular possessive Laura's has the apostrophe before the s, while the plural possessive kids' has the apostrophe after the s. Use a colon after an independent clause when it is followed by a list, a quotation, appositive, or other idea directly related to the independent clause. On ACT English, you might find a randomly placed semicolon or need to replace a comma with a semicolon in order to fix a comma splice. Many cultures in recorded history have venerated and even worshipped the Sun. An actual ACT English Test contains 75 questions to be answered in 45 minutes. 444 times. Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. The phrase "in a rapid manner" is redundant because the word "quickly" already implies that I finished the test rapidly. Error: The eye of a storm is a region of mostly calm weather found at the center of a tropical cyclone. We've put our best advice into a single guide. These are the very best guides available on boosting your ACT score, section by section. The phrase "in pink-tinted glasses" should come after the word it’s modifying. A plural pronoun must refer to a plural noun, and a singular pronoun must refer to a singular noun. Unlike most prep programs, PrepScholar is special because we give you focused practice on individual skills, customized to your strengths and weaknesses. Here, the semicolon is just randomly placed after the verb "are"; there is no independent clause on either side of the semicolon. Error: I told him that he can drop by any time and I will be happy to help him. Main Grammar Rules. Then is mainly an adverb, often used to situate actions in time. Start studying ACT Prep English Grammar Rules. or a transition (in fact, for example, etc.). If we get rid of the appositive, the sentence still has the same meaning: Lily is the most exceptional child in the world. When Jim studied in the library for his chemistry quiz, it was very quiet. Answer choice D is wrong because the "they" after "that" is unnecessary. Over 1800 ACT english grammar questions to help you with your ACT test prep. Read our detailed guide on how to get a perfect English score. Many of the apostrophes issues are tested using the "Word Choice" skill further below. If you remove the clause "who wear sunglasses indoors," you substantially change the meaning of the sentence. You might have no idea when to use "who" or "whom," but the rule isn’t actually that complicated. The correct answer is C. (Answer choice D unnecessarily adds the infinitive "to be."). Since a non-restrictive clause must be surrounded by commas, the correct answer is D. An appositive is a descriptive phrase that doesn’t include a verb. Corrected: The boy insisted (past) that he had paid (past perfect) for the candy bars. Which sentences, if any, are irrelevant in the paragraph below? The two ways this skill is tested on the ACT is through wordy sentences and redundant sentences. ("So" implies a cause-effect relationship, whereas "and" connects two related thoughts.). Can you spot the out-of-place sentence(s) in the passage below? If a verb is underlined, make sure you identify the subject that corresponds with the verb to ensure that the subject and verb agree with each other. Here is an example: Incorrect: Sabrina needs to purchase a few items for her project like: construction paper, paint, and glitter. Therefore, the correct answer is A. 63% average accuracy. Also, keep in mind that, This is a relatively basic subject-verb agreement question. In this complete guide, we've compiled the comprehensive list of ACT English grammar rules you need to know to ace the ACT English section. Use commas to set off nonessential parts of the sentence. If … A modifier is a word or phrase that describes (a.k.a. The capitalization rules for titles of books, movies, and other works … Note: In the second example, that the error is the commonly-used "their" to mean a singular noun (everyone); while this is used in common, everyday speech, using "their" as a possessive pronoun for a single person is not formally accepted as grammatically correct on the ACT. To some civilizations, the Sun represents all life; to others, the reason for the cycles of day and night. Corrected: The eye is a region of mostly calm weather found at the center of a tropical cyclone. 4 months ago. Also, always use "who" before a verb and "whom" after a preposition. Error: Every student must study hard if they want good grades. ACT English Rules: Punctuation DRAFT. If you know apostrophe rules, these questions should be relatively simple. Be sure to also check our ultimate guide to ACT English, with links to all of our articles on ACT English tips and strategies. Here are the corrected versions of the sentences: Lucy was petrified to look under the bed. The skill here is understanding the formality of the text (which is always pretty close to a book you'd read in English class). A book isn’t a location; therefore, "where" is the incorrect relative pronoun. Use a period at the end of a sentence that makes a statement. That looks like a fancy gun—but, then again, I don't know anything about guns. Error: With reference to the fact that the company is deficient in manufacturing and production space, the contract may in all probability be awarded to some other enterprise. You can’t take a restrictive clause out of a sentence without significantly changing the meaning of the sentence. The English rules tested on the ACT can be grouped into two categories: Usage and Rhetoric. The correct expression is "worried about." Error: Ms. Russell is trying to read a book outside but a swarm of flies keep distracting her. Are you weak in punctuation? Error: She handed out brownies to children wrapped in foil. Don't disappoint yourself - read these guides and improve your score today. This skill is deciding what the passage is about and whether a certain detail belongs in that category or not. The student thus demonstrates his or her knowledge of standard written English. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. Corrected: Every student must study hard if she wants good grades. Since no punctuation is necessary after "are," the correct answer is answer choice C. The ACT likes to test your knowledge of relative pronouns. Visit to increase your ACT score even more!Learn the best strategies and tips for the ACT English test. Comparisons between three or more things, however, are formed by the construction "x is the most [adjective]/[adjective]-est of the [things]." A pronoun is a noun that can stand in for another noun. The test makers ask you about the same grammar mistakes on every test. answer choices . Error: Peeling hazelnuts requires skill, patience, and the ability to persevere. Here is a corrected version of the sentence: In the kitchen, George broke the plate that his mom bought on their vacation. Want an 36 on ACT English? At least you can look through our list and try to keep in mind the most tricky ones. First, here is an example sentence using the relative pronoun "who": James, who is my friend, lives in Oklahoma City. Clearly, the second sentence is more concise, and it still contains all the relevant information that’s in the first sentence. 24 Score Guides: ACT English | ACT Math | ACT Reading | ACT Science | ACT Science. After doing examples from the book, make sure to look up the correct answers listed at the end of each test. PrepScholar will drill you on this grammar rule until you master it. So if you were to end the sentence where the colon is placed, the sentence should make sense and be a complete thought. the shift to the past tense with the word "were" doesn’t make sense given the context. Gerunds are verbs that act as nouns and end in "ing." Error: Maria stumbled in her old rocking horse in the garage. This is the absolute #1 rule of the ACT English section. In this guide, I’ll give you explanations and examples for the most commonly tested ACT grammar rules. So if you got rid of the sentence: my favorite book underlined pronoun be... At these example sentences that are kept small by pruning and planting in small.. Homophones are words that always go together, and verb tenses even more! learn best... Any semicolon with a period at the gun range and practice tests if two things are by... Guides to every ACT section Bill is more concise, and a singular pronoun must refer to a noun... Order to receive practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice practice. 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