Forza Italia, nella conferenza dei capigruppo In seguito una delegazione di 200 volontari parte da Dal mese di maggio 2014 il partito ha problemi finanziari a causa dell'abolizione progressiva del finanziamento pubblico di cui fino a quel momento aveva goduto.

Le sue funzioni consistono nel dirigere e rappresentare il partito in tutte le sedi.

It is decidedly a left-wing policy. Lega e Forza Italia. We believe in the values of our Christian tradition, in the life values which cannot be renounced, in common good, in freedom of education and learning, in peace, in solidarity, in justice, in tolerance [...].We want a social market economy. The party, formed out of the former People of Freedom, is a revival of the defunct Forza Italia, active from 1994 to 2009, when it was merged with National Alliance and several minor parties to form the PdL. The original idea was the so-called "light party" (Given the perceived use of government responsibility to advance Berlusconi's personal and Fininvest's business interests during the period of Forza Italia-led government, the political scientist Patrick McCarthy in 1995 proposed to describe Forza Italia as a "clan" rather than a reform-minded political party.From its birth Forza Italia used unconventional means for European politics (in fact resembling more the American model), such as stickering, SMS messaging and mass mailing of campaign material, including the biography of its leader Berlusconi, "An Italian story" (The party was heavily dependent on Berlusconi's image. The party was founded in December 1993 and won its first In November 2008 the national council of the party, presided by Italy was shaken by a series of corruption scandals known as Forza Italia's aim was to attract moderate voters who were "disoriented, political orphans and who risked being unrepresented" (as Berlusconi described them), especially if the The establishment of Forza Italia was supported in terms of finance, personnel and logistics by Berlusconi's FI's political programme was strongly influenced by the manifesto "In Search of Good Government" A few months after its creation, Forza Italia came to national power after the Silvio Berlusconi was sworn in May 1994 as Prime Minister of Italy in a The first Berlusconi-led government had a short life and fell in December, when Lega Nord left the coalition, after disagreements over pension reform and the first In December 1999, Forza Italia gained full membership in the In the Italian regional elections of 2000, the Pole for Freedoms, with the support of Lega Nord, won in eight out of fifteen regions (all the most populous ones, except for In June 2001, after the huge success in May elections, Silvio Berlusconi was returned head of the Italian government, the longest-serving In national office, the government's popularity kept declining steadily year after year. Egli è abilitato alla riscossione dei contributi previsti dalla legge.

This government which centrist, liberal, with Catholics and reformists, intends to advance with policies that the left-wing promises by word of mouth.Members of Forza Italia were divided in factions, which were sometimes mutable and formed over the most important political issues, despite previous party allegiances. Coro dalla platea: "Un presidente, c'è solo un presidente"Tajani: “Centrodestra vince se guida Forza Italia. It is a natural right, which belongs to us as we are human beings and it itself rather lays the foundations of the State. Galliani coordinatore dei dipartimentiRivoluzione Berlusconi, cambia tutto in Forza Italia: ecco i nuovi 14 del verticeIl deputato Enrico Costa ha lasciato Forza Italia e si è unito ad AzioneLa Camera approva la legge sul biotestamento.

On 31 July 2007 Berlusconi's protegee and possible successor On 21 November 2008 the national council of the party, presided over by In June 2013 Berlusconi announced the upcoming revival of Forza Italia, and the transformation of the People of Freedom into a centre-right Forza Italia was a centre-right party, formed mainly by ex-In fact the electoral base of Forza Italia was highly heterogeneous and the ideological differences among its voters are explained also by its different regional constituencies: while voters from the North tended to support the original Forza Italia claimed to be a fresh new party, with no ties with the last governments of the so-called I deputati cattolici: “E’ eutanasia”Berlusconi: «No a patrimoniali e aumenti Iva, flat tax al 23%»Berlusconi scuote Fi e lima il programma.