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Get the latest press releases, multimedia content and other resources Find out more about UNICEF’s work in the country Working with the government and partners, UNICEF is helping provide water and sanitation, including the establishment of diarrhoeal treatment centres, health services for children and pregnant women; support for access to quality education, including establishing learning centres; and is reaching children affected by violence, abuse and neglect with prevention and assistance. Du fait des glissements de terrain et des inondations provoqués par les pluies de mousson, la qualité de l’eau se dégrade. Télécharger cette image : La crise des réfugiés Rohingyas au Bangladesh - MGA9DT depuis la bibliothèque d’Alamy parmi des millions de photos, illustrations et vecteurs en haute résolution. In the meantime, UNICEF is on the ground, working with the government and partners, helping to deliver life-saving supplies and services for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, children are unable to follow a formal education curriculum, depriving them of the skills they so desperately need if they are to develop and thrive in the future.Older children and adolescents who are deprived of opportunities to learn or make a living are at real risk of becoming a “lost generation”Older children and adolescents who are deprived of opportunities to learn or make a living are at real risk of becoming a “lost generation”, ready prey to traffickers and those who would exploit them for political or other ends. Evaluation of the early warning, alert and response system for the Rohingya crisis, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh – Évaluation du système d’alerte et d’intervention rapide (EWARS) pour la crise des réfugiés Rohingyas, dans le district de Cox’s Bazar, au Bangladesh.
Published on Jun 8, 2017 *Les Rohingyas, communauté musulmane au Myanmar, font partie des minorités les plus persécutées au monde. Girls and women are at particular risk of sexual and other gender-based violence in this situation, including being forced into early marriage and being left out of school as parents keep them at home.“This is a crisis without a quick fix that could take years to resolve unless there is a concerted effort to address its root causes”, says Manuel Fontaine, UNICEF Director of Emergency Programmes. But they remain highly dependent on short-term aid, and are living in precarious conditions, particularly in congested camps, where living conditions are difficult and sometimes dangerous – especially during Bangladesh’s long monsoon and cyclone seasons.Until the conditions are in place in Myanmar that would allow Rohingya families to return home with basic rights – safety from violence, to citizenship, free movement, health and education – they are stuck in Bangladesh. Ganz einfach. Tdh gère sept centres de traitement de la malnutrition dans le camp de Kutupalong grâce auxquels nous avons pu venir en aide à plus de 35’000 enfants de moins de cinq ans et femmes enceintes ou allaitantes. Crise des Rohingyas en Birmanie : attention aux intox - Jedes Kind auf der Welt hat das Recht, Kind zu sein. Terre des hommes a immédiatement constitué une Un an plus tard, les réfugiés vivent toujours dans des conditions déplorables. Dans nos six espaces destinés aux enfants, qui accueillent chacun environ 500 enfants par jour, notre personnel offre un lieu sûr où ils peuvent bénéficier d’activités psychosociales qui favorisent leur développement émotionnel, leurs facultés motrices et leur créativité. Those fleeing attacks and violence in the 2017 exodus joined around 300,000 people already in Bangladesh from previous waves of displacement, effectively forming the world’s largest refugee camp.With the support of the government and humanitarian partners, refugees have gained access to some basic services. No-one knows for how long. UNICEF is also making sure that children have access to life-saving information on protecting themselves and their communities against the coronavirus through radio broadcasts and Meena cartoons broadcast at service points in the refugee camps and on TV in host communities. Alors que, dans un premier temps, l’aide humanitaire s’est concentrée sur l’intervention d’urgence pour sauver des vies dans les camps, nous passons progressivement à une approche plus durable destinée à atténuer l’impact de l’afflux de réfugiés sur les communautés bangladaises. Elles ont ainsi rejoint les réfugiés qui avaient déjà fui les violences durant les dernières décennies. Parmi eux, plus de 50 % sont des enfants. Rohingya children and young people want more than survival – they want a hopeful future, too Find out more about UNICEF’s work in South Asia Des tentes à perte de vue dans le sud-est du Bangladesh. UNICEF is on the ground helping to deliver life-saving supplies and services for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. A nationwide lockdown brings an increased risk of gender-based violence for Rohingya and Bangladeshi women and girls To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, UNICEF and partners are providing safe water and soap supplies, and have installed more than 4,000 communal handwashing stations in the camps since March. When hundreds of thousands of terrified Rohingya refugees began flooding onto the beaches and paddy fields of southern Bangladesh in August 2017, it was the children who caught many people’s attention. Pour réduire les causes de mortalité comme la propagation de maladies et améliorer leurs conditions de vie, Tdh répond aux trois principaux risques qui guettent les enfants dans les camps.Un an après le début de l’intervention, Tdh poursuit ses activités dans le domaine de la nutrition, car plus de 15 % des enfants vivant dans les camps souffrent encore de malnutrition aiguë sévère. La crise humanitaire sans précédent des Rohingyas met au défi la communauté internationale. Die Pandemie bedroht gefährdete Familien. C’est pourquoi nous avons ouvert une nouvelle base à Teknaf, où quelque 130’000 réfugiés vivent dans des camps au sein des communautés d’accueil.