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We made this a three day adventure.
Wild flowers are blooming right now so that was nice.
They said they certainly would not be willing to try what we had just tried!Not a very hard hike, but beautiful views at the end. The lakes are great, and love the interesting rock formations looking over the lakes.
Luckily we had an old Avenza map that helped us navigate some old trails and find our way to the actual trail.
Après les bombes volcaniques visibles sur la droite, après environ 20 minutes de marche, on arrive à une ancienne bergerie.On peut explorer au passage les différents sommets des monts Sartorius : ils sont positionnés un peu comme une boutonnière.Refuge Citelli à la fin de la route (1,5km).
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We found it, but if you follow it, you find yourself in a totally overgrown trail and can only go about 20-30 feet, before you need a hatchet to bush-wack.
From € 85
But, a quick turnaround and we were at the trailhead. Beautiful view of Mt.
It was a scary and windy night prior the climbing day.
Price on request
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A solid 2-3 campsites at the top.My first visit to Big Duck Lake was as a Boy Scout 20+ years ago. Explorer ETNA avec des cartes de sentiers et des indications routières préparées à la main ainsi que des avis détaillés et des photos de randonneurs, de campeurs et d'amoureux de la nature comme vous.A beautiful trail with an even more lovely destination. Highly recommend this one. Plusieurs possibilités de randonnées : A proximité du refuge Sapienza, petite randonnée possible sur la fracture de 2001 et sur les cratères Silvestri.
Plusieurs possibilités de randonnées : 1) A proximité du refuge Sapienza, balade sur la fracture de 2001 et les cratères Silvestri. carte de randonnée de l'etna - forum Sicile - Besoin d'infos sur Sicile ? We made the trip in August 2019 and the weather was near perfect. Some scrambling required around Big Duck to find a campsite but we had a spacious area with a fire ring and despite a large group being only 500m away, we didn’t hear them at all from camp. And, after more than 20 years, the place is still majestic and well worth the travel time. Les volcans d'Italie - le grand tour pour le Vésuve, Pompéï, Herculanum, Stromboli, Vulcano, Lipari et l'Etna ... Thème: Randonnée et découverte: Volcans Actifs - Nature et Culture - Archéologie Difficulté: Facile-Modérée Groupe: 6-12 Durée: 14 jours (13 nuits) Départs: 28 mai - 11 juin 2021 8-22 oct. 2021 Prix: 3590 € ? After 1/4 mile of this, we gave up because it was ridiculously steep and stupid. pour accéder aux Enfin nous arrivons, le plus intéressant commence lorsque nous attaquons Nous sommes au dessus des nuages et poursuivons la marche pour contourner le cratère en imaginant la formation de ce dôme au moment de l’explosion.
From € 63
Fairly easy to navigate until you get within 1/4 mile of Big Duck, we had to rely on some rocks previous hikers stacked to keep our way on the trail, otherwise we would have had to scramble a bit.