Bolonia, the ruins of the Roman fishing factories where they produced garum and built temples to their gods, is just a stone’s throw away. The front half houses the communal living and dining spaces along with the library. Once inside the wall, the entrance to the house will be via a “trench” in the form of stairs dug into the upper surface of the platform.A Greek poet said that this is a true temenos, a meeting-place, where according to mythology, humans and gods come together.On the denuded stone platform, three walls surround us and protect us from the prevailing strong winds. These books are like little jewels.The houses Turégano 1988, Gaspar 1992, De Blas 2000, Moliner 2008 and Casa del Infinito 2014 feature in these little books, perfectly bound in hardcover and presented in a box-container of the 5 copies. Plataforma horizontal en alto para desde allí contemplar el mar como un temenos. Architecture office of Alberto Campo Baeza. Only the central portion is roofed. The floor plan is a square divided in two halves, or better yet, into four equal parts. Although copies of each house can be obtained separately, we strongly recommend getting a box with all 5 houses, as the collection is so attractive! As would Adalberto Libera, who did the same thing when he built his Malaparte House in Capri. Price for each book, 10 euros. It is located in an area of low density, green areas adjacent to camping Pinar de San Jose in Zahora. Each book contains a brief text and sketches by Campo Baeza, as well as some basic plans and model images, and the iconic colour images of the houses. And we like it too. The prestigious Italian publishing house DIVISARE has published a series of little books, measuring 17.4 x 12.2 cm, on 5 emblematic houses by the architect Alberto Campo Baeza. In the same area, near the Casa Gaspar, is the Guerrero House, another work by Campo Baeza. Images by Javier Callejas. In their honor we have built our house, like an acropolis in stone, in roman travertine.To give even greater force to the platform we incorporated all the terrain as far back as the entrance wall separating us from the street, also done in Roman travertine. Location. His works have been widely recognized. Completed in 2014 in Cádiz, Spain. A real gem, or better still, 5 little gems. I am certain that Rembrandt and Mies would like our podium house, all podium, only podium. And when we look at our house from the beach, we will be reminded of all of them.We wanted this house to be capable not only of making time stand still, but to remain in the minds and hearts of humankind.The house of the infinite.You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! A house that is a podium crowned by an upper horizontal plane. A horizontal plane on high built in stone, Roman travertine, as if it were sand, an infinite plane facing the infinite sea. There we have erected a house as if it were a jetty facing out to sea. They are not sold in bookstores and the only way to get them is to order them directly from the publisher.Each book contains a brief text and sketches by Campo Baeza, as well as some basic plans and model images, and the iconic colour images of the houses.Although copies of each house can be obtained separately, we strongly recommend getting a box with all 5 houses, as the collection is so attractive! The prestigious Italian publishing house DIVISARE has published a series of little books, measuring 17.4 x 12.2 cm, on 5 emblematic houses by the architect Alberto Campo Baeza. ArchDaily Awards Based on built projects on our site. Almirante 4, 5B 28004 Madrid - Spain,, t. (34) 917010695 The main route of access to housing is the highway A-2233. The house, defined by four enclosure walls of 3.5 meters, is based on a square measuring 18 x 18 meters which is subdivided into three equal parts. From the Houses Turégano and de Blas, both in Madrid, to Gaspar House, Asencio House or Guerrero House in Cádiz, Rufo House in Toledo and Moliner House in Zaragoza. Alejandro Cervilla García, Ignacio Aguirre López, Gaja Bieniasz, Agustín Gor, Sara Oneto On this resoundingly horizontal plane, bare and denuded, we face out to the distant horizon traced by the sea where the sun goes down. In it, Rembrandt sketches a straight horizontal line. Nothing more and nothing less.To materialize this elevated horizontal plane, which is the main living room of the house, we built a large box with 20 meters of frontage and 36 meters deep. There, as Mies did so often, he has made the plane into a line. A real feast for the eyes.There are 200 copies of each book, all numbered. Alberto Campo Baeza has 14 projects published in our site, focused on: Residential architecture, Educational architecture, Offices. The same winds that drove on the vessel in which Ulysses made his journey home.There is a lovely etching by Rembrandt from 1655, "Christ Presented before the People", that has always fascinated me. El Tecuán. Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users. And under those first 12 meters we excavated two floors in the solid rock to develop the whole living space.The Romans were there a handful of centuries ago. Five Houses Turégano, Gaspar, De Blas, Moliner and Infinite House Divisare Rome, 2020 ISBN: 978-88-5496-067-1 . In 2012 he fini… Light, the intense light of Cadiz, is the primary material with which this house is built, a house that is a diagonal space pierced by diagonal light.