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Indeed, the project is building on prior experience on forerunner projects that have led up to LMJ, including laser design (with LIL and PETAL) and work on various measurement instruments (AIRIX, EPURE, DIAG PLASMA).The high-technology equipment used – in some cases designed exclusively for this project – requires a particularly advanced control system. Since 1991 and its creation, Andra has been carrying out the research linked to the management of high level (HA - HLW) and intermediate level long lived (MA-VL – ILLW)) radioactive waste in France.
For many years now, our know-how and expertise in SCADA software development has enabled us to be involved in major scientific and technical research projects, both French and European. À leur arrivée, ils seront contrôlés et préparés avant d’être descendus dans les installations souterraines.Pour acheminer le personnel et le matériel nécessaire au creusement.Les 5 puits de 500 mètres de profondeur assureront la liaison entre la surface et le fond.Pour stocker les déchets hautement radioactifs. Bure Equity AB (publ) Nybrogatan 6 114 34 Stockholm. Dans une reconstitution de galerie souterraine identique aux galeries creusées à 500 mètres de profondeur, vous découvrez les principales expérimentations du Laboratoire. Cibapet CBD fæðubótarefni sem Andrá dreifir, 2% og 4% olía, bitar og töflur fyrir hunda og ketti, hafa verið tekin úr sölu og innkölluð þar sem frágangi tilskilanna leyfa er ekki lokið. The French Deep Geological Repository (DGR) project is called “Cigéo” project (Centre Industriel de stockage GEOlogique). Liens utiles.
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Saint-André-sur-Cailly è un comune francese di 889 abitanti situato nel dipartimento della Senna Marittima nella regione della Normandia Elle sera composée d’alvéoles mesurant une dizaine de mètres de diamètre et plusieurs centaines de mètres de long.Épaisse de 130 mètres et âgée de 160 millions d’années, cette couche géologique, très particulière, ralentira la dispersion des radionucléides contenus dans les déchets.Profitez de visites guidées gratuites pour comprendre nos métiers et nos actions dans la région.Valider votre recherche en pressant la touche entréeVotre nom, prénom et adresse de messagerie sont uniquement utilisés pour vous envoyer la newsletter du Mag de l’Andra. Panorama is chosen for this type of installation for its adaptability, its reliability and its native support of the Tango protocol.Some areas of research require the use of elements that pose a danger to human health in the event of exposure. From a SCADA standpoint, the operator can confidently envisage future adaptations and extensions to the facility.IRSN tasked Codra with specifying the IS devoted to measuring the internal contamination exposure of people in the event of radiological emergencies.Codra was commissioned to produce development specifications for the BERING code with a view to industrial usage.The consultancy service focuses on the evolution of the Codra is the developer of the acquisition and control systems for SOLEIL.The scope of Codra’s contribution extends from the electronic interfaces for hardware and sensors to the operator interfaces and SCADA applications.Developer of the Panorama Supervision Platform, Codra is also recognized in the field of software engineering
Soyez le premier à savoir et laissez-nous vous envoyer un courriel lorsque Italian Bad Boyz of Comedy publie des nouvelles et des promotions. ... Votre nom, prénom et adresse de messagerie sont uniquement utilisés pour vous envoyer la newsletter du Mag de l’Andra. Andra, underground research laboratory The Andra underground laboratory is located in Bure, on the border between the Meuse and Haute-Marne regions in eastern France.
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Andra and NO RAO of Russia signed roadmap for cooperation - Douma deputies visit URL in Bure Monday 2 December 2019 The members of the Energy Committee of Douma, the Russian National Assembly, came to France in order to learn more about the French nuclear industry and in particular, on its newest projects of national importance.